There is more to George Soros than many of us know. For example, Georger Soros is not his real name. He was born in Budapest, Hungary in 1930 to Jewish parents who named him Gyorgy Schwartz. He also has a past that many people might be shocked to learn about. Phil Butler, who writes for, describes Gyorgy’s activities in 1944 and 1945: “. . .teenage Gyorgy sold out his fellow Jews to Nazis [and] helped steal and catalogue their property, while Hitler’s denizens shipped nearly a half million Hungarian Jews who were sent to death camps.”
Gyorgy’s teenage experiences working with those who mass murdered his own people demonstrates a key Machiavellian characteristic – a narcissistic disregard for others, as long as his desired end is achieved. In the world of Soros, the ends justify the means. After leaving Hungary for England, Soros delved into banking, graduated from the London School of Economics and then moved to America where he gained renown as a currency trader. Soros shorted the British Pound in 1992 to make his first billion. reports that Soros literally “broke the bank of England” on that fateful day. Soros has since become one of the thirty richest people in the world. For decades he has used his money to not just break banks, but to break societies and rebuild them as he sees fit.
His Open Society Foundation (OSF) operates in 100 nations. They’ve spent more than $13 billion dollars under the guise of developing democracies, improving education, reforming criminal justice, ensuring public health and developing social justice platforms. As reported by, OSF investments in America include Acorn, Planned Parenthood, Southern Poverty Law Center, National Organization for Women, the Huffington Post and Media Matters, to name a few. Soros also helped jump start Barak Obama’s presidential campaign, he gave millions to Hillary Clinton’s 2016 race and also funds the Center for American Progress – the think tank that Jon Podesta, Clinton’s campaign manager, oversees.
Soros doesn’t let a crisis go to waste. As reported by the Washington Times, Soros donated $33 million dollars to help local activists ferment racial division in Ferguson, Missouri, an action that transformed “a one day criminal event into a 24-hour -a- day national cause celebre.” The OSF recently gave $10 million to “confront hate” in the U.S. plus another $500 million for “migrants, refugees and host communities.” More hate and division is the goal.
Soros believes the United States should become subservient to global rules, including the false global warming/carbon paradigm. He has also invested in Monsanto and a lab in Sierra Leone that created a CDC patented Ebola strain. readers call the billionaire Soros ““the single most destructive leftist demagogue in the country.”
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