Whenever the government involves itself in matters in which they don’t belong, things are almost guaranteed to go incredibly wrong. By adding regulations to virtually every aspect of everyday life, the government has made it difficult for the American people to do anything — even acts of charity.
Kookers Kare, a Kansas City, Missouri volunteer organization that helps feed the needy, recently felt the wrath of the American government and now they are unable to help out people who actually need it. The group was set to donate 3,000 pounds of meat and 1,200 pounds of side dishes to charity — and then the government forced them to throw it all away so that none of the people in desperate need of food could consume it.
Because that’s how the government uses their powers: preventing people from getting the care that they need and even preventing people from providing services to these people. They don’t want any of us to know that we don’t need the federal government, so they do everything they can to infringe on freedoms so that we have to rely on them.
Matt Agorist of Natural Blaze writes, “Health officials say it was destroyed because it wasn’t from a permitted establishment, and they couldn’t track where the food had been, therefore they couldn’t ensure its safety, reports ABC 7 … Kookers Kares president said if health inspectors had any questions they should have just asked … Instead, hundreds already went hungry and it appears as many as 3,000 people won’t get meals as a result, according to the report.”
Once again, government officials have proven that they don’t actually care about the wellbeing of the people that are living in our country. When people come along who actually want to help their fellow man — without the use of government-sponsored forms of welfare — they are prevented from going through with it for fear of being punished and thrown in jail.
When you are no longer allowed to give hungry people food, you have to question whether or not you are actually free. So are we free people? Not as long as the government finds the way to interject themselves into acts of charity. Hopefully president-elect Donald Trump will keep his campaign promises to destroy the stranglehold that the feds have on all of us. We need a smaller government now — not a larger one.
Maybe one day soon we’ll actually be able to feed the hungry — legally.
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