Despite what the Big Pharma peddlers want you to believe, cannabis is not a destructive drug that ruins the lives of everyone who touches it. In fact, the plant serves as a natural alternative to the chemical drugs that are said to cure many of the health problems that people all over the country face every day. But that’s not the height of cannabis’ benefits. New evidence has even shown that using the plant can help improve night vision.
Based off studies that began 25 years ago by pharmacologist M. E. West, a new investigation has proven that cannabis improves vision in the dark by dilating — or perhaps restricting, according to different studies — the pupils of the eye. While the science behind it is still being investigated, the studies have shown that cannabis does, in fact, improve one’s vision during the night.
Mo Costandi of The Guardian writes that the reason cannabis improves night vision is because “the drug can influence activity in the visual cortex at the back of the brain, but the CB1 receptor protein, which binds the psychoactive ingredient of cannabis, is found at far higher levels in the eye than in the visual cortex, suggesting that any effects the drug has on vision are likely due to its actions on retinal cells.”
This news should come as no surprise to anyone who has been paying attention to the alternative media’s coverage of marijuana. While the powers that be continue to do everything in their power to keep the American public away from all natural health alternatives — especially cannabis — the truth continues to come out in droves. After a while, far too much evidence has been racked up in order to convince anyone otherwise.
With the news of improvements to night vision, cannabis seems more legitimate and helpful than ever, yet the federal government still refuses to legalize it across the country. The only logical explanation has to do with the fact that they are in the pockets of the pharmaceutical industry that will be crippled by the widespread acceptance of medical marijuana.
The only thing standing between us and the legalization of marijuana (both recreational and medical) is time. We can see the end of this decades-long battle in sight and if there is any justice left in our country, it’ll be within the next decade. The people need cannabis to help solve many of the health woes that come with living in America.
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