Article by Breitbart News
And it’s not from volunteer contributors; the byline includes Global Editorial Director Howard Fineman and editors Jason Linkins and Lauren Weber.
From the Huffington Post:
On the high, crenelated ramparts of Castle Clinton, a chill breeze is stirring ― a faint but gnawing sense that the White Walkers are coming, wearing “MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN” baseball caps on their skinless noggins.
If Donald Trump does sack the fortress, no one who lost the battle will want to admit it was Hillary Clinton’s fault. It will have had nothing to do with, say, “transparency” or calling bearded villagers “deplorables” or the Iraq War vote or the simple fact that middle-of-the-road Clintonism ran out of gas as a public philosophy.
No, other individuals, groups and forces will have to be blamed. In fact, they already are, pre-emptively. If Trump wins, we’re all going to be too busy moving to Canada to read the postmortems (or write them), so we offer them to you now: