A toroidal field model, or a torus, is essentially an infinite energy loop. It combines the lossless nature of a circle with the infinite storage capacity of a helix or spiral. The interesting thing about a torus is that it isn’t static; the motion that it uses continually draws in and creates more energy, growing greater without causing destruction. It’s not like a black hole, where energy is just sucked in. It’s more easily explained as a donut shape, with the entrance at the top and the exit at the bottom, and energy being cycled around.
This is the ideal model we would want to build a sustainable society off of.
Before we get in to the applications of this type of approach, let’s first understand how this is already the kind of energetic field that we are currently living in, and that surround each of us individually and as a planet.
We know that the Earth has magnetic poles, and that the powerful electromagnetic field that protects us from the vacuum of space behaves just as we have described above, as a gigantic torus. This is how we see wonders such as the Northern Lights, as well as why meteor strikes happen most often on the poles.
You also probably know that the body creates electromagnetic fields, the strongest of which is generated in the heart. This is why electrocardiograms are able to measure heart performance so accurately. The field that is generated by the heart is far larger than the one created by the brain, and extends 3-5 feet outwards from your body. If you feel people are in your “personal space,” they very literally are, since they are in your energy field. A good reason to curate the people you spend your time with carefully, yes?
Sustainable communities
So let’s get back to using this base model to craft sustainable communities. A tokamak, which is an industrial form of a torus, is currently being tested as the most efficient and safe way to harness nuclear fusion. While I have my severe doubts that nuclear energy is a wise choice, scientists are finally catching up with the divine mathematics that can make truly sustainable options a possibility. Torus shapes have been used in circuits and other electrical applications more and more over the past decade.
We can see that using the torus as a template for energy production is not only plausible, but seems to be the best option in terms of efficiency and safety, as well as production. We see how we can keep our communities powered, but not structured. So let’s see how we can create our physical structures in the same way, to embody efficient energy use as well as to foster creative growth and harmony as a culture.
Since the torus shape is extremely stable and there is no wasted space, it’s ideal for scalable structures. “Donut” houses, as they’ve come to be called, are attractive options to consider. They can house single families or multiple apartments, they can be constructed with Earth-friendly materials such as straw bale, cob, stone, or recycled items, and they are extremely energy efficient. In most designs, the center area is a shared outdoor space, like a private garden or greenhouse.
This shape also lends itself to being the base of large enclosed community structures. Concentric or stacked rings would contain all the necessities for residents or workers, such as the production of energy and the growing of food, as well as water treatment and entertainment.
Dwelling inside sacred geometry
One can’t ignore the more ethereal aspect of the effect living in one of these structures would have. We’ve spoken of the more tangible types of energy, but the intangible would see just as much benefit. Since the shape offers a flow that is so much more in tune with the way our energy is already inclined to be, communities would be far more peaceful, while encouraging individual creativity and expression. Individuals would also have the freedom to choose a more communal-like arrangement, or a space that offered more privacy. Some of us are introverts, after all.
As a criticism of the current standards of box-shapes, they represent a phase in human growth where we needed more industrialized structure. We have been a very “hard” society for the past several thousand years, and the constraints may have been necessary for our growth and development. We have outgrown this necessity at this point, and are ready for our next step.
Our structures, our communities are ready to embody this, and more individuals and businesses are stepping into these concepts on a daily basis.
Seth Leaf Pruzansky is editor of the blogs theuniversalobserver.com and areturntoenlightenment.com, websites devoted to globally awakening people to the power residing in their own consciousness.
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