Umeboshi is a staple in Japan and China as a healing fruit. It’s truly a superfood and has been widely consumed for its special health properties for centuries. It’s best known for its ability to balance body chemistry.
You see, in most cases, illnesses occur when the body becomes too acidic. Healthy bodies and bodily fluids are normally slightly alkaline. The umeboshi has an alkalinizing effect on the body and is one of the best at restoring neutrality. The result is a reduction in fatigue, and promotion of detoxification
Umeboshi is also a powerful antibiotic. It contains properties that naturally kill bacteria without harming other cells. It’s also an excellent digestive aid and can help calm an upset stomach. When taken daily, it can help improve the entire digestive system.
Umeboshi comes in many different forms, but one of the most popular and readily available forms is pickled. It can be eaten on its own, in small amounts, or made into a tea or mixed with other drinks.
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