Whenever normal, everyday citizens begin to prepare for an environmental, nuclear, or otherwise horrific disaster, they’re often labeled as crazy conspiracy theorists with bizarre delusions about the current state of the world. The mainstream media tells us all not to take them seriously.
When the government begins preparing for such a disaster — hey, they’re just being careful.
Located on an ice-covered island in the Arctic Circle, there is a massive storage bunker that is filled with all sorts of seeds from across the world. In case of a horrific disaster, these seeds could help replenish the world’s food supply.
In other words, the future of the world could potentially lie inside of this isolated storage container in the middle of nowhere. It’s like something out of a science fiction story. The only thing that can keep everyone on earth from starving to death is located across the world in an area that is incredibly difficult to locate.
But even if the world as we know it does collapse and we’re left to fend for ourselves, what good are these seeds going to do? How quickly can the government grow enough potatoes to feed the entire planet? We’re going to need fast, dependable solutions. For that, we all need to have a personal food supply on hand. It could be a matter of survival.
Thankfully, there are measures that working class American citizens can take that require little effort and are surprisingly affordable. Stocking up on sustainable food and equipment is extremely important. None of us know for sure what dangers potential disasters could bring with them, so being prepared for anything is the smartest route to take. It doesn’t cost millions of dollars to pick up some sustainable, non-GMO food or purchase some tools that could be incredibly beneficial. As a result, there’s no reason not to become a prepper yourself. What do you have to lose?
After all, the last thing you want to do in an apocalyptic setting is fight your way to the Arctic Circle…
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