As it became apparent in early spring that Donald Trump was likely to become the Republican presidential nominee for the 2016 election, rent-a-mobs and other Left-wing activist groups who used bully tactics to try and shut them down trolled his campaign events.
Within days of the first shut-down, which occurred in Chicago, the predictable happened: Anti-Trump activists and protestors began to get violent, pushing and shoving the billionaire mogul’s supporters and fans and raising as much ruckus as possible.
Then a strange thing happened: Trump got blamed for “inciting” the violence just because he dared to propose tossing people out of venues that his campaign paid for in order to hold rallies for people who do support him. Only on the loony Left is defending yourself a “hostile act of violence.”
But it didn’t stop there. Actual violence began to be used against Trump’s fans and supporters. One recent victim in California thought his Mexican flag-waving attackers were going to kill him – just because he supports a different presidential candidate than them, one who is not afraid to say what is on his mind and the minds of tens of millions more Americans.
Trump is also routinely criticized for being “politically incorrect,” crude, inappropriate and a lout. But when his critics behave the same way, well then, their behavior is okay.
Like when the former president of Mexico flipped Donald Trump the bird, along with the juvenile delinquent host of “KickAss Politics” and important person wannabe Ben Mathis – a photo of which was happily published by the Left wing hacks and enablers at The Huffington Post.
“Vicente Fox & I have a message for Donald Trump. Listen to a preview of his most controversial interview yet, recorded just one day before his apology to Trump aired on Breitbart,” Mathis wrote when he posted the photo.
Typical “in your face” moment from a peace-loving, non-violent, compassionate Left-wing kook journalist and a failed Mexican president whose anti-drug tactics only led to a diversification of the drug gangs into other criminal enterprises and a ton more death and violence.
As for HuffPo, the piece accompanying the photo came with its standard Trump disclaimer:
Editor’s note: Donald Trump regularly incites political violence and is a serial liar, rampant xenophobe, racist, misogynist and birther who has repeatedly pledged to ban all Muslims — 1.6 billion members of an entire religion — from entering the U.S.
Obviously HuffPo editors aren’t interested in fair, balanced political reporting and that’s okay, but the least they could do is admit it. Here, we are most definitely pro-Trump and have been clear about that, so we won’t let the HuffPo craziness stand.
We’ve already cleared up just who is violent when it comes to Trump rallies, and it’s not his supporters. As for serial lying, well, I guess HuffPo editors will add that same disclaimer to every story about Hillary Clinton, right? Wrong – because hypocrisy.
As for the other charges against Trump’s supposed character flaws, well…yawn. Anyone the Left disagrees with is a racisthomophobexenophobebigotliarmysoginist, et al, so those allegations fall as flat as HuffPo’s bottom line. Screaming insults and throwing temper tantrums may get you attention but that doesn’t make a dishonest characterization more honest.
And the birther charge has been completely debunked. Trump may have made some headlines questioning President Obama’s nation of birth and true ethnicity (he’s American, for sure), but the movement began with the Hillary Clinton campaign as she began to lose to the political neophyte in 2008. Bank on that, and here are the details.
Like most of the mainstream media, HuffPo’s job is to protect and defend hard-Left politicians (who are all Democrats, by the way). Got it. But that’s why exists and why it needs to exist; we will be the counterweight and the truth detection center throughout the campaign and, hopefully, throughout The Donald’s two terms as president of the United States.
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