Hemp is one of the most valuable sources of protein available to man. It’s important to source the best quality hemp protein powder or seeds for optimal health. Besides providing benefits such as increased energy, an improved immune system and an improved metabolism, hemp provides plenty of other ways to a better quality of life.
In today’s world of over-processed and unhealthy foods, it’s no wonder a huge portion of people in the industrialised world is overweight and riddled with disease. Here are five ways hemp protein will get you on track health wise.
1. Hemp protein helps to repair human tissue because it has proteins such as globulins and albumin, more so than any other plant-based protein source. Unlike soy protein hemp does not contain enzyme inhibitors and phytates. Phytates bind to certain dietary minerals including iron, zinc, manganese and, to a lesser extent calcium, and slow their absorption. Therefore, the nutrients in hemp can be easily absorbed by the human body.
2. Hemp protein contains all the essential amino acids that are needed by the human body. Amino acids are the building blocks of protein in order to repair muscles and develop lean body mass. If you want to lose the fat and build lean body mass and muscles, find a good source of protein powder and consume it daily for these reasons. Hemp protein also aids in reducing inflammation and increasing circulation.
3. Hemp protein contains omega-3 and omega-6 oils in perfect balance, which is not only an excellent energy source, but will help to alleviate food cravings, keeping you fuller for longer.
4. Hemp is high in fibre which is essential for the body in order to eliminate toxins. High in fibre but easy to digest, the powder can easily be used in smoothies or as a topping for morning cereals, and the seeds can be sprinkled onto salads or soup as a way of ensuring you get enough whole food fiber into your diet.
5. Hemp is tolerated more easily for those allergic to nuts, gluten, lactose and sugar. Find a trusted source of organic hemp powder to provide you with a gluten free, chemical-free, yeast-free, sugar-free protein boost. Hemp contains no saturated or tans-fats, so it really is one of nature’s super foods.
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