The assault of toxins upon all the earth and all who breathe is clear. The toll is especially harsh on our most vulnerable, the children, whose immune systems are ripe for disruption from vaccines, chemtrails or GMO infant formula. You’ve heard the statistics concerning the startling increase in autism spectrum disorder (ASD). While the CDC is still stumbling about “looking” for the cause, intrepid researchers Tatja Hirvikoski, Ph.D., a researcher at the Swedish Karolinska Institute, and Dr. Stephanie Seneff, a senior research scientist at the MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, are digging for the facts. Not only is autistm spectrum disorder on the increase, but according to a study conducted by the Karolinska Institutet and published in The British Journal of Psychiatry, it is now associated with premature death:
“[T]he risk of premature death is about 2.5 times higher for people with autism spectrum disorder than for the rest of the population.
“We can now see that the ASD group has a higher mortality risk in almost all cause-of-death categories, which means that knowledge of autism is essential for all medical specialties,” says Professor Sven Bolte, head of the Centre of Neurodevelopmental Disorders at Karolinska Institutet (KIND).
The first series of analyses in the study concerned overall mortality, regardless of cause of death. During the follow-up period, 2.6 percent of the ASD group died, compared to almost 1 percent of the controls.
“We see an association between ASD and an increased risk of premature death,” says Hirvikoski, who is also the head of research and development for the Stockholm County Council’s Habilitation Services. “A particularly at-risk group is women with ASD and intellectual disability.”
The group of people with ASD but no intellectual disability, however, had a higher risk of death from one specific cause: suicide.
“There’s a very clear connection between ASD without intellectual disability and a raised suicide risk,” says Dr Hirvikoski. “Clinical guidelines for suicidal patients must be followed when dealing with people with ASD.”
Dr. Stephanie Seneff, who has been outspoken about the connection between glyphosate and the rise of autism, projects that, by 2025, half the children born in the United States will be given that diagnosis.
Courtesy of BBC:
“The Swedish study looked at the health records of 27,000 autistic adults and used 2.7 million people as a control sample for the general population.
“The research, carried out by the Karolinska Institute, found that those with autism and an associated learning disability, died more than 30 years early – with the average age of death being 39.”
John Spires is chief executive of Autistica, a UK charity that raises money for autism research. Mr. Spires told the BBC that the number of deaths in autistic adults was an “enormous hidden crisis” and that the “inequality in outcomes for autistic people shown in this data is shameful.”
Indeed, the increase of autism is one thing – but the revelation that it can lead to premature death is entirely another. This information is more than shameful; it is a demonic assault. I would label it a global genocide two-in-one cocktail; increase autism and create early death. This is nothing other than another wicked dart in the quiver of the brotherhood of darkness who promote eugenics and population control.
Clean, organic food can help those afflicted with autism. Check out Mike Adams’ new book Food Forensics to learn more about how to avoid toxins and improve your health!
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