One of the most, if not the most, powerful agencies within the federal government is the Internal Revenue Service. The agency literally has the power to destroy American families and their reputations using tax law.
What’s more, is that there is no question that the IRS has been weaponized by the Obama administration, employed against political nemeses and enemies. One of them, according to him, is Dr. Ben Carson, a Republican presidential contender who has been a regular critic of the Obama regime.
During a recent Republican presidential debate, Carson said that after he spoke out against the Affordable Care Act – Obamacare – during the National Prayer Breakfast in 2013, with the president sitting just a few feet away, he was inexplicably audited.
Carson explained at the debate:
I never had an audit until I spoke at the National Prayer Breakfast. And then all of [a] sudden they came in and said, “We just want to look at your real estate dealings.” And then they didn’t find anything. And then they took a look at the whole year. And they didn’t find anything. And then they looked at the next year and they didn’t find anything. And they won’t find anything… the fact is the IRS is not honest and we have to get rid of them.
See the video below:
Also, in recent days GOP frontrunner and billionaire real estate mogul Donald Trump has said he, too, is audited constantly. Responding to what appears to be baseless charges by two-time GOP presidential loser Mitt Romney that there was “something” going on with Trump via his tax returns, and that because of that he should release them to the public, the billionaire mogul responded that he couldn’t release the three most recent years because, once again, they were the subject of yet another IRS audit.
“Mitt Romney, who was one of the dumbest and worst candidates in the history of Republican politics, is now pushing me on tax returns. Dope!” Trump said in a series of tweets blasting Romney (ironically, Romney underwent the same unsubstantiated accusation regarding his tax returns from then-Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., during the 2012 election).
In an interview with CNN’s Anderson Cooper Trump said “there is no bombshell at all other than I pay a lot of tax and the government wastes the money.”
In addition, as NaturalNews reported, the IRS was also used by the Obama administration to unduly target conservative and Tea Party groups seeking non-profit status in the run-up to the 2012 election. The targeting meant that several groups had their status delayed and could not engage in any political activity, meaning they couldn’t advocate for Republican candidates.
The Daily Mail noted further:
The IRS came under fire on Friday when its Office of Inspector General released a draft of an investigative timeline showing that the agency had played political favorites with nonprofit groups seeking tax-exempt status.
In 2010, according to that investigation, the Cincinnati-based IRS office responsible for vetting tax-exempt applications began targeting groups with ‘Tea Party or similar’ words in their names – including words like ‘patriots’ and ‘9/12’ – for tighter scrutiny.
As it turned out, the unprecedented targeting of conservative groups was not limited to just one IRS office. In 2013, well after the reelection of President Obama, then-head of the IRS’ division that approves non-profit statuses issued an apology on behalf of her office for improperly targeting conservative groups.
On numerous occasions when she was subpoenaed to appear before congressional committees inquiring about the improper targeting, Lerner often pleaded her Fifth Amendment right against self-incrimination.
Perhaps showing even more bias against conservatives, Lerner also referred to Republicans as “crazies” and “a**holes” in emails, The Associated Press reported.
Congressional Republicans sent evidence that Lerner or others in her office may have violated federal statutes governing IRS procedures to the Obama Justice Department, but no charges were ever filed.
At one point, NaturalNews reported that there may have been direct collusion between the Oval Office and the IRS in targeting conservatives.
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