The fact that nature has an answer for most medical problems is no secret. People are becoming aware that there are options other than prescription medications; they just aren’t sure where to begin!
One of the best kept secrets of natural medicines is black cumin seed oil. The list of medications that this seed can replace is almost disturbingly long. The benefits are substantial, and with none of the negative side effects.
An article titled “Black Seed – The Remedy for Everything but Death” published by Green Med Info says in regards to Type 2 Diabetics, “Two grams of black seed a day resulted in reduced fasting glucose, decreased insulin resistance, increased beta-cell function, and reduced glycosylated hemoglobin (HbA1c) in human subjects.”
Meaning their glucose levels were lower before eating, they were processing it better once they did eat, and had better long-term control of the disease.
That’s just one disease that black cumin seed, or “black seed” oil has proven to help people with. From helping people that are battling addiction to opiates, to people that are battling cancer, this seed is truly a gift to humanity.
According to an article titled “Combining black cumin seed with honey for incredible protection against carcinogenic elements, such as radiation and more” published by Natural News, “As reported by Healthy Food Place, black cumin seed oil and its extract, thymoquinone, appear to be very effective at battling liver cancer, melanoma, lymphoma, cervical cancer, and pancreatic, bone, breast, stomach, prostate, colon and brain cancers as well.” With none of the harmful/deadly side-effects that come along with traditional Western cancer treatments.
If there is one thing that remains clear, it is that we, as a nation, should stop turning to a pill bottle every time we have a problem. I am not a doctor by any means, and cannot tell anyone how to handle their disease or medical problems. If you feel that you need a doctor, or medication, by all means, do what you feel you need to do to be healthy.
But if you feel that there might be a better alternative with no side-effects, turn to nature and you will surely find it. The black seed and all of its medicinal qualities are proof of that.
Black Seed – ‘The Remedy For Everything But Death’ | GreenMedInfo. (n.d.). Retrieved from //
Combining black cumin seed with honey for incredible protection against carcinogenic elements, such as radiation and more – (n.d.). Retrieved from //
Courtney, Living. – Living naturally, creating awareness, and making things simple. (n.d.). Retrieved from //
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