(Bugout.news) We all know that we should stow survival and preparation gear that is of higher quality, but one thing we sometimes forget is that our gear should also be versatile. That’s where solar-powered equipment comes into play.
While in the early days of consumer solar technology quality was lacking, these days that is no longer the case. Solar technology has advanced to the point where you can find all sorts of gear powered by the sun that is built to last and will serve you well in an emergency.
While solar-powered equipment does suffer in terms of use when the sun is hidden by cloud cover or during night time hours, during most days solar gear is hard to beat because it requires nothing but sunlight to power itself, and that will become a distinct advantage for you.
Let’s look at 5 must-have pieces of solar-powered gear:
1. Solar radios: Solar radios are a must-have because you’ll need to at least monitor for emergency transmissions, instructions from surviving government agencies and other news and information. Another thing is that many of these models come with a hand-crank, for charging. A review site for several of these models is here.
2. Solar shower: After living in a societal collapse situation you’re going to get pretty grimy pretty quickly, and while it’s not going to be possible to bath daily, most likely, you’re going to want to do so with some regularity – maybe once a week at least – if for no other reason than to maintain your health. Microbes and bacteria thrive on dirty bodies. Also, think of the morale boost you’ll get from a nice warm shower.
Plus, you’ll no doubt find other uses for a solar shower, like washing your dirty cookware.
3. Solar lantern: Light, anyone? Many of these models are capable of putting off bright light – as much as 250 lumens of LED light that you can also dim for security purposes. Some models have directional lighting features that allow you to save on power. These models tend to recharge quickly, as well, and many feature built-in USB ports so you can power small handheld devices like two-way radios, cellphones (if tower service remains, which it won’t for long) and GPS systems.
4. Solar fire-starter: We’ve already discussed how you should have redundant fire-starting capabilities in your gear. What better way to assure functional redundancy that packing a fire-starter that is powered by the sun?
These work by focusing the sun’s powerful rays to a precise focal point, much like a magnifying glass (speaking of fire-starting redundancy…). These never need refueling, require no maintenance and can be stored indefinitely.
5. Solar panels – for recharging your stuff: Portable solar panel technology is here, it’s affordable, and it will allow you to recharge any equipment you have that requires some sort of electric power but is not powered by the sun. One thing to consider: There are various models and they come in different wattage amounts. If you need more power, consider putting the money out for one that provides more watts.
In addition, these are portable; drape or fasten them to your rucksack or bugout bag while you’re on the move and they will absorb the sun’s rays and charge whatever needs charging, so that it is functional when you get where you’re going. You can even consider a solar-power backpack.
Bugout.news is part of the USA Features Media network.
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