How to make homemade cannabis oil to treat cancer, multiple sclerosis, Alzheimer’s and more
CBD oil, which is increasingly being used to treat a variety of medical conditions, is a form of cannabis oil derived from marijuana or industrial hemp that contains significant amounts of cannabidiol, a molecule found in cannabis. Cannabinoids have a natural way of interacting with our bodies through receptors called endocannabinoids, which are present in all humans and animals. When introduced into the body, cannabinoids regulate cell growth, which in turn combats cancer, among other things.
Made simply from a sizable amount of pot, a bucket and a solvent, cannabis oil has proven effective for treating a variety of serious ailments including cancer, Alzheimer’s disease, epilepsy, Lyme disease, chronic pain, rheumatism, multiple sclerosis, anxiety disorders, asthma and diabetes, according to Constance Pure Botanical Extracts, a California-based medical pot provider.
Extracting marijuana’s beneficial compounds or cannabinoids to form a thick oily substance was first made known through Rick Simpson’s documentary “Run from the Cure,” which generated worldwide interest in cannabis oil or “Rick Simpson Oil,” as it’s referred to in the film. The film sparked countless success stories of individuals who used the oil to cure all sorts of debilitating diseases, including forms of cancer that were previously thought to be incurable.
The herbal cure
The government’s hypocritical lambasting of the drug, accompanied by its restrictive marijuana policies, prevented American’s from accessing the oil. However, now that state governments are finally relaxing their authoritarian policies on marijuana, both for recreational and medicinal purposes, cannabis oil can serve people in the manner it was designed to.

Because cannabis oil has so many medical benefits, the public deserves better access to it, which is why we’re providing you with your very own cannabis oil recipe as described by
You will need one ounce of dried cannabis. Out of this one ounce, you may be able to produce 3-4 grams of oil.
IMPORTANT: Be extremely careful when boiling solvent off, the fumes are extremely flammable. Do not smoking and avoid sparks, stove-tops, and red-hot heating elements. You can set up a fan to blow fumed away from pot. Work on this project in a well-ventilated area throughout the whole process.
- Place the dry material in a plastic bucket.
- Dampen the material with the solvent you are utilizing. Various solvents can be used. For instance, you can use pure naphtha, ether, butane, or 99% isopropyl alcohol. Two gallons of solvent are necessary to extract the THC from one pound. To be exact, 500 ml is enough for an ounce.
- Crush the plant material using a stick of clean wood.
- Keep crushing the material with the stick, while adding solvent until the plant material is completely covered and soaked. Continue to stir for approximately 3 minutes. When you do this, the THC is dissolved off the material into the solvent.
- Pour the solvent-oil mixture of the plant material into another bucket. At around this time, you have stripped the material of about 80% of its THC.
- Second wash: add solvent to the mixture and stir for another three minutes to extract the remaining THC.
- Pour this solvent-oil mix into the bucket containing the first mix that was previously poured out.
- Throw away the twice washed material.
- You can utilize a coffee filter to pour the solvent-oil mixture into a clean container.
- Boil the solvent off: a rice cooker will boil the solvent off nicely, and will hold over a half gallon of solvent mixture. CAUTION: avoid stove-tops, red-hot elements, sparks, cigarettes and open flames as the fumes are extremely flammable.
- Add solvent to rice cooker until it is about ¾ full and turn on HIGH heat. Stay in a well-ventilated area throughout the whole process. Keep adding the mixture.
- As the level in the rice cooker decreases for the last time, add a few drops of water (about 10 drops of water for a pound of dry material). This will help to release the solvent residue, and protect the oil from too much heat.
- When there is about one inch of the solvent-water mixture in the rice cooker, put on your oven mitts and pick the unit up and swirl the contents until the solvent has finished boiling off.
- When the solvent has been boiled off, turn the cooker to LOW heat. At no point should the oil ever reach over 290 degrees F or 140 degrees C.
- Remove the pot containing the oil from the rice cooker. Then gently pour the oil into a stainless steel container.
- Place the stainless steel container in a dehydrator. You know it’s ready for use if there is no longer any surface activity on the oil.
- Suck the oil with a plastic syringe. A syringe will essentially make the oil easy to dispense. Once the oil is cooled it will have a thick grease consistency.
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