In the Declaration of Independence, the founders of the republic asserted that the proper role of the government is to safeguard its citizens’ God-given rights. Despite the signers’ differences in their own comprehension of God, all agreed that no one ruler — or monarch — should be a threat to individual rights and proper governance. With this in mind, the authors of the Constitution set up a system of checks and balances among the three branches of government, in hopes of frustrating attempts to undermine basic freedoms. No one, however, foresaw the widespread and blatant seizure of authority by the United States’ current president, Barack Obama.
Foremost among Obama’s transgressions is his attempt to create and rewrite federal statutes to pursue his policy goals; Obamacare and immigration laws are just two examples. Other unlawful conduct by the administration include ignoring Congressional subpoenas and using federal agencies to exercise powers beyond those allowed by statute. While some have been remedied by the judiciary, most have not.
The Constitution, in seeking to preclude offenses similar to those previously out carried by the British monarchy, granted to the legislature the authority to enact laws, and to the executive branch, the power to enforce.
Notwithstanding this clear delineation of power, however, in today’s post-Constitutional America, Congress merely proposes, while Obama disposes.
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