Well, it’s official: The National Football League is no longer America’s favorite professional sport after scores of players from all …
When the head of an American professional sports league deigns to lecture the president of the United States for his …
As Americans, it’s important to frequently remind ourselves why we have remained a free country for the past 241 years. …
(Article by Carter republished from TheGatewayPundit.com) A photo of U.S. Army infantry officer and West Point graduate Spenser Rapone was making its rounds …
If you’ve been following the controversy over a growing number of NFL players who have chosen to ‘fight for social …
Traditional American values – faith, family, patriotism, country – have been under assault by the Marxist Left for decades. Socially …
In case you’re not following the current brouhaha involving the NFL and its player protesters who are refusing to stand …