ALL POSTS TAGGED WITH stop smoking king
04/25/2016 / By David Rice

Sweating is a form of detoxification and there may be no better place than the sauna! There’s not really an


04/19/2016 / By David Rice

Firesafe? Fire safe?? Really? Fire safe cigarettes create even MORE lung damage. The real rationale for the creation of fire


04/14/2016 / By David Rice

One Major Purpose: Whatever your belief system, religion, creed, or culture – your body is a beautiful, amazing, masterful machine


03/24/2016 / By David Rice

Use of e-cigs (electronic cigarettes) is now banned on commercial planes according to the new rule set in place by


03/22/2016 / By David Rice

Yes. They call cigarettes coffin tacks. They call ’em cowboy killers too. That’s how the Marlboro Man died, ya’ know.


03/18/2016 / By David Rice

Step right up folks, step right up … to the ultimate emotional nightmare, known to the majority of mankind as


03/17/2016 / By David Rice

No problem is too small for a cigarette, when you’re addicted. Oh the stress, it weighs so heavy at times.


03/11/2016 / By David Rice

It’s time to turn this whole health thing about face! If you try to detoxify your body from harmful chemicals,


03/07/2016 / By David Rice

Sure, it sounds like an oxymoron right from the start, the “smoker’s workout,” but anything is possible in this world,


03/04/2016 / By David Rice

Why do you think the cigarette filters or “butts” that you find on the ground outside take up to 15


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