09/30/2017 / By Jayson Veley

Chances are most Americans have seen some kind of science fiction movie about the end of the world once or


09/29/2017 / By JD Heyes

If ever there was a real-life example of why being independently prepared to handle any long-term emergency or crisis, it’s


09/28/2017 / By JD Heyes

The devastation to Puerto Rico caused by Hurricane Maria more than a week ago continues to provide object lessons in


09/26/2017 / By JD Heyes

Don’t look now, but the Alt-Left now has something new to blame on President Donald J. Trump: The damage inflicted


09/21/2017 / By JD Heyes

Life in Puerto Rico is about to turn medieval, thanks to the massive damage caused by Hurricane Maria, the once-in-a-century


09/20/2017 / By Mike Adams

Puerto Rico has just received a direct hit from Hurricane Maria, a category-4 storm with 155 mph winds at its


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