04/11/2016 / By David Rice

The following are breaking revelations and cures for ending cigarette addiction and controlling your weight. Invaluable research has been done


04/04/2016 / By David Rice

So we looked for news on cigarettes lately–nothing. Of course, just Google the word cigarette and e-cigs populates everywhere. Electronic


03/28/2016 / By David Rice

No smoker in the world wants to hear other people telling them they should quit smoking, and how smoking is


03/24/2016 / By David Rice

Use of e-cigs (electronic cigarettes) is now banned on commercial planes according to the new rule set in place by


03/22/2016 / By David Rice

Yes. They call cigarettes coffin tacks. They call ’em cowboy killers too. That’s how the Marlboro Man died, ya’ know.


03/17/2016 / By David Rice

No problem is too small for a cigarette, when you’re addicted. Oh the stress, it weighs so heavy at times.


03/11/2016 / By David Rice

It’s time to turn this whole health thing about face! If you try to detoxify your body from harmful chemicals,


03/04/2016 / By David Rice

Why do you think the cigarette filters or “butts” that you find on the ground outside take up to 15


02/25/2016 / By David Rice

You can quit wondering why, now. How many people go to MULTIPLE doctors in the U.S. and lie about back


02/23/2016 / By David Rice

The Interview” … Friday. 10:05 am. Billy wakes up, sits up in bed coughing, hacking, but nothing comes up. The


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