All posts tagged with National Security
06/27/2016 / By usafeaturesmedia

( In the age of global terrorism no part of the world is safe and that apparently includes U.S. Air


06/24/2016 / By usafeaturesmedia

( The Islamic State group is planning more attacks against the West in order to compensate for large territorial losses in


06/23/2016 / By usafeaturesmedia

( While offensive cyberwar capabilities being developed by the U.S. military thus far have remained largely within the purview of


06/23/2016 / By usafeaturesmedia

( The Obama administration has outraged Israel supporters in Congress after sending a letter to lawmakers last week that it


06/22/2016 / By usafeaturesmedia

( The modern world operates on electric power – the loss of which would instantly toss civilization back to the


06/22/2016 / By usafeaturesmedia

( NATO is preparing to send four “combat-ready” battalions to its perimeter with Russia, as a means of thwarting future


06/21/2016 / By JD Heyes

If you’ve ever read the Saul Alinsky book, “Rules for Radicals,” then you can begin to understand how a man


06/21/2016 / By usafeaturesmedia

( The horrific, deadly terrorist attack on an Orlando, Fla., nightclub frequented by gay and lesbian patrons was in large


06/20/2016 / By usafeaturesmedia

( The Defense Department’s “Hack the Pentagon” initiative, where hackers who find security bugs are rewarded, has been a success,


06/20/2016 / By usafeaturesmedia

( As most Americans know by now Omar Mateen, the child of Afghan migrants, was responsible for the killing of


06/17/2016 / By usafeaturesmedia

( The director of Britain’s GCHQ, the equivalent of the National Security Agency in the United States, says that terrorists


06/17/2016 / By usafeaturesmedia

( Did House Speaker Paul Ryan just pick another fight with his party’s presumptive presidential nominee, just days after Senate


06/16/2016 / By usafeaturesmedia

( WASHINGTON (Reuters) – The U.S. Federal Reserve detected more than 50 cyber breaches between 2011 and 2015, with several incidents


06/16/2016 / By usafeaturesmedia

( American defense analysts believe that a Russian submarine-hunter turned spy plane spotted Sunday over Syria may be reconnoitering U.S. Navy carrier strike


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