All posts tagged with National Security
07/05/2016 / By usafeaturesmedia

( Whomever becomes the next president of the United States will have to deal with the most serious challenge from


07/04/2016 / By usafeaturesmedia

( Chinese cyber attacks against U.S. IT systems are “ongoing,” according to the State Department, and increased use of covert


07/04/2016 / By usafeaturesmedia

( It’s not a good time for Marine Corps aviation. As reported by the Marine Corps Times, most of the


07/01/2016 / By usafeaturesmedia

( The United States and Israel have signed a cyber defense accord along with dozens of other nations as a


07/01/2016 / By usafeaturesmedia

( Moscow is constructing an electronic eavesdropping and intelligence-gathering station in Nicaragua as part of the Russian military’s effort to


06/30/2016 / By usafeaturesmedia

( As part of a new push to ramp up counterterrorism efforts, U.S. government agencies will ask that travelers to


06/30/2016 / By usafeaturesmedia

( MOSCOW (Reuters) – Russia is likely to deploy advanced nuclear-capable missiles in its European exclave of Kaliningrad by 2019, casting


06/29/2016 / By Mary Wilder

Julian Assange, co-founder of Wikileaks, has announced that his whistleblowing website has enough evidence on Hillary Clinton to have the


06/29/2016 / By Mary Wilder

It’s getting less and less difficult to understand why so many people are opposed to mass immigration taking place in America.


06/29/2016 / By usafeaturesmedia

( The U.S. national security infrastructure is gaming the possibility of an unprecedented global food crisis that would last longer


06/29/2016 / By usafeaturesmedia

( Since it is still a fairly new realm of warfare, the Pentagon still has not yet determined when a


06/29/2016 / By usafeaturesmedia

( A op-ed published in a Chinese state-run media outlet this week warned the United States it had “picked the


06/28/2016 / By usafeaturesmedia

( It is certainly in the U.S. government’s interest to be able to track the smuggling of nuclear weapons and


06/27/2016 / By usafeaturesmedia

( The U.S. military and a host of allies participated recently in the latest Pentagon-sponsored cyber drill that tested the


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