Civil Unrest
The unemployment rate for American born citizens is worse than U.S. immigrants. The Pew Charitable Trusts recently released data on the probability of American immigrants obtaining employment versus American citizens in 13 major industries in all 50 states of America, and the results are sobering.(1) Pew’s online interactive tool adds on these data to contrast […]
The number of individuals killed by police in the United States continues to soar, with 2015 marking the highest figures yet. It’s estimated that around 1,000 people passed away at the hands of police officers last year. The Washington Post reported that 986 were killed by cops and The Guardian reported 1,140 killings by the police. In addition […]
Two Detroit EMTs remain in serious condition after being repeatedly stabbed while trying to help a woman in the 3400 block of Third Street, along Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard. Paramedics Alfredo Rojas and Kelly Adams arrived at the scene to treat a woman with an ankle injury, when the man she was with suddenly […]
( In case you haven’t noticed lately, U.S.-based corporations are being auctioned off to foreign buyers at an increasingly alarming rate, giving rise to conspiracy theories that maybe these corporate titans know something most of the rest of us don’t about what may be coming, economically. USA Today reported over the weekend that the largest […]
Germany is edging closer to anarchy as citizens grow increasingly frustrated with Chancellor Angela Merkel’s decision to welcome one million refugees into the country. Germans are becoming more and more concerned that their country’s so-called democracy is inching closer towards a totalitarian state, Alternative for Germany party member Hansjoerg Mueller told Russia Today in a […]
A frequent mistake that many people make when considering the concept of social or economic collapse is to imagine how people and groups will behave tomorrow based on how people behave today. It is, though, extremely difficult to predict human behavior in the face of terminal chaos. What we might expect, or what Hollywood fantasy […]
Refugees have reportedly broken through a fence on the Macedonian and Greek border using a home-made battering ram. (Article by Loulla-Mae Eleftheriou-Smith, republished from BBC footage shows refugees ripping away barbed wire and pushing against the fence to get through. Protesters clashed with authorities as they chanted “Open the border!” and threw stones at Macedonian police as a few […]
As smoke filled the air, migrants turned on police who used tear gas to try to disperse the rioters. (Article by Nick Gutteridge & Alix Culbertson, republished from Demolition crews entered the crime-ridden camp on Sunday morning after a judge gave his final blessing to plans to pull down a huge section of the tent shanty town. Hundreds of […]
Liberals insist that minorities in America are oppressed, and that blacks in particular, suffer disproportionately. This means that because their population is so much lower than the white majority; the high numbers of incarceration, or those addicted to drugs, for example, are disproportionate to their population. Another good example is the unemployment rate. reports that […]
Barack Obama, while campaigning in 2008, called for the creation of a civilian security force to deal with today’s growing national security threats to the roar of cheering crowds. He proclaimed that this force would be better funded and better trained than the U.S. Military. Being a community organizer, Obama certainly knows how to put […]
( Renowned investor Jim Rogers has a frightening warning for the world: A financial Armageddon is approaching fast, and it’s a collapse that is being assisted by incredibly moronic central bankers, he says. “We’re all going to pay a horrible price for the incompetence of these central bankers,” he said Monday in an interview with […]
The powerful economic engine of China is about to run out of gas, thanks to a series of policy miscalculations and financial mismanagement, and when it does, the government will really have a problem on its hands: Hundreds of thousands of newly unemployed, highly agitated, workers. In fact, Chinese officials are already warning of “social […]
The United Nations, along with various world leaders, have often met to discuss an “issue” that no one on the planet has ever proven exists: man-caused “climate change.” In fact, the U.N. just sponsored a massive gathering in Paris, France, to highlight the supposed issue, where leaders like President Obama committed their countries to global […]
On January fifth, President Obama took enormous pleasure in signing his executive actions on gun control. The vitriol and utter disgust he displayed towards gun owners was never more clear than it was on this day. In his usual fashion, President Obama surrounded himself with friendly faces who were more than happy to watch him tear down […]
Robert “LaVoy” Finicum, the spokesman for an armed militia occupying an Oregon wildlife refuge, was shot and killed during a traffic stop Tuesday. The anti-government activists seized the site in protest of the federal government’s treatment of Dwight and Steven Hammond, who were sentenced to prison for unpaid grazing fees and setting fires on federally […]
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