All posts by

David Rice

  • Oh the stress, it weighs so heavy at times. It could be mental, physical, or worse, both. It’s usually is both. Then the emotions kick in, either right after the cigarette or when in DIRE need of one. Electricity bill just came and it’s too damn big this month? Cigarette break! It’s un-stress time. Just […]
  • Use of e-cigs (electronic cigarettes) is now banned on commercial planes according to the new rule set in place by the Department of Transportation. This applies to all domestic and international flights, and includes all e-cigs, including pipes and devices that look like pens, boxes, tubes, etc. Not included in the ban are nebulizers people […]
  • Before the 1960s, none of the Big Tobacco manufacturers knew that they could cook tobacco with ammonia and the nicotine would be thirty-five times as potent. Sure, cigarettes before that still caused cancer, especially the tobacco coated with insecticides and herbicide, but if you wanted to quit smoking, say, in the 1940s or 1950s, you […]
  • Yes. They call cigarettes coffin tacks. They call ’em cowboy killers too. That’s how the Marlboro Man died, ya’ know. So, first off, here’s a typical day in the life of a smoker: Wake up, smoke. Take two aspirin for the chronic recurring headache. Maybe a swig of some orange juice to wash it down. […]
  • Get mad! You got ponzi’d into cigarettes. Face it. You “fell” for it. It was some kind of investment in looking cool, or feeling cool, or not feeling depressed, or not feeling stressed–any way you slice it, you got scammed, and now they’ve labeled you an “addict.” Shame on them. A ponzi scheme, in case […]
  • Step right up folks, step right up … to the ultimate emotional nightmare, known to the majority of mankind as commercial tobacco rolled into an efficient nicotine delivery device, aka the modern cigarette! Watch it perform feats of unparalleled emotional distress, like every second feels like walking the high wire without a net, a nerve-racking […]
  • No problem is too small for a cigarette, when you’re addicted. Oh the stress, it weighs so heavy at times. It could be mental, physical, or worse, both. It’s usually both. Then the emotions kick in, either right after the cigarette or when in DIRE need of one. Electricity bill just came and it’s too […]
  • So you go right now and go to a health food store and purchase one edible organic item that costs less than a pack of cigarettes. Do not bring any cigarettes with you on this venture, by the way. This begins the activities that you absolutely would not have done had you never began the […]
  • Nobody has to tell you what can go wrong with smoking, but nobody ever really does, so we’ve chosen to now. Thought it might get your attention long enough to help you quit smoking, naturally of course. Instead of trying to put a jinx on anything good, let’s put the reverse “jinx” on the bad […]
  • Put it this way, if you had to manufacture a cigarette, you would never smoke it. You probably never would have even tried one in the first place. Here’s some advice: Never do this. We repeat … NEVER do this: To manufacture a commercial cigarette, first you would take a small piece of natural, brown […]
  • It’s time to turn this whole health thing about face! If you try to detoxify your body from harmful chemicals, synthetic foods, heavy metal toxins, and so on, but you just ate gluten with the last 5 meals, you may be waiting quite a while for some results, especially the ones you can feel. That’s […]
  • How do you bring to a grinding halt the annual littering of 4.5 trillion cigarette filters on planet Earth? Get everyone to quit. Sure, only half even want to quit, and half of those who do quit go right back within six months, statistics show. And even if you do quit, if you keep on […]
  • Sure, it sounds like an oxymoron right from the start, the “smoker’s workout,” but anything is possible in this world, so we start with a cigarette, of course, because without one, most smokers wouldn’t even read what’s next. Go ahead, we’ll wait for you to light it. Okay. Go ahead. We’ll be right here waiting […]
  • Why do you think the cigarette filters or “butts” that you find on the ground outside take up to 15 years to disintegrate? Do you know why? That’s not just some sponge wrapped tightly in paper, no, that little heat screen is made from glass wool that is VERY SIMILAR to the fiberglass insulation used […]
  • Get your health out of the gutter in three months. We know who you are. You’re “hard core” because you, well, you are a smoker. You take chances every day. You live “on the edge” because it’s your M.O. – part of your method of operation. It’s how you “get by.” You don’t have patience […]