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Robert F. Kennedy Jr. points out how EXTREME censorship and weaponized politics are getting, expects it all to ESCALATE fast
By S.D. Wells // Sep 24, 2024

Realize now that once Big Government takes away any human rights, constitutional freedoms, and medical choice, those living under that tyranny will never get them back without a full-blown kinetic revolution, like our nation’s battle for independence to escape Great Britain’s dictatorship in 1776. Robert F. Kennedy Jr., a true pioneer and courageous American fighting for those very freedoms right now, provides us with a gleaming example of Big Government tearing away people’s freedoms, rights, and livelihoods -- when the truckers in Canada peacefully protested the Covid scamdemic mandates. Here’s what he said.

“We should all take a warning of what the Trudeau government did in Canada. When the truckers were incredibly peaceful and disciplined, and went in to protest (Covid) mandates, the government sent police in to read all of the license plates on all of the vehicles, and then to shut off the bank accounts of anybody who was the owner of that vehicle. These people were never charged with a crime. They were certainly never convicted. The government was able to punish them by shutting off their lifeline, shutting off their capacity to buy food for their children, to pay their mortgages, to pay tuition. This (was done) without any due process or democratic participation, and that’s the power right now that we’re seeing, and with AI, with the growth of AI, the capacity of government to control us will be complete.”

RFK Jr. goes on to talk about how Bill “Population Reduction” Gates is currently funding the installation of over 60,000 low altitude satellites to conduct around the clock earth surveillance, enabling his company to watch every square inch of earth 24/7/365. It’s essentially turn-key totalitarianism in the Orwellian sense.

We will truly be living in a dark, evil, dystopian world where every second of our lives are monitored by Big Brother, and people are persecuted and prosecuted for thought crimes, political opinions, and sharing the truth about false narratives and lies the government purports to gain more control over the populace, bankrupt us, starve us, sicken us, and kill us off.

Big Government and Big Media want complete control of the populace, so propaganda and censorship are the fulcrum for the Communists in Washington DC

During Covid, anyone who spoke out against the mandates was labeled a terrorist who was trying to kill people by spreading disease and misinformation. The plandemic was the most powerful censorship and constitutional-rights-stripping weapon many nations have ever experienced, including the USA, UK, Canada and Australia. It’s still happening today, as evident in Austria, where recently a woman has been convicted of “grossly negligent homicide” for spreading Covid that killed her neighbor by simply walking down the same hallway.

The next scamdemic, and there will surely be one, as Bill Gates and his cohorts at W.H.O. assure us, Big Government will try even harder to install their reign of terror down upon us all, with forced vaccination at gunpoint (think FEMA isolation camps), political reeducation centers (think Communist concentration camps), and the further outlawing of any medicine that prevents and cures the lab-concocted viral infections Big Pharma conjures up (think gain-of-function monkeypox, bird flu, Covid-25, or Zika 2.0).

So, stock up on your natural remedies, ivermectin, vitamin D, vitamin C, bifidobacteria probiotics, enzymes, filtered water, storable organic food, and ammo. Then, bookmark Censored.news to your favorite websites for truth news about peaceful protesters that Big Brother government in America, Canada, UK and Australia shut down, bankrupt and imprison simply because they wouldn’t surrender their rights to the Police State traitors.

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