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Trump says he’ll end the Ukraine-Russia conflict before even taking office if he wins the election
By Cassie B. // Sep 23, 2024

Former President Donald Trump said in a recent interview that he intends to end the war in Ukraine if he wins the election – and vowed to do so before he even takes office.

In an appearance on X Spaces, he told Farokh Sarmad about his plans for the high-stakes conflict, noting: “I want to get Russia to settle up with Ukraine and stop this — millions of people being killed, far greater than the number you read about.”

He explained that this is not something he wants to wait for and was quite confident about his ability to end it, stating: “But I want to get that done before I even take office, I want to get that done as president-elect, because it has to be solved — too many people dying, too many cities are just in rubble right now, you look at the cultures just being destroyed. We’ve got to get that done, and I’ll get it done.”

It is not clear, however, how he would end the war. The Logan Act bars all private citizens from carrying out diplomacy on behalf of the U.S. He made similar comments during the recent presidential debate with Kamala Harris.

He added that Eastern Europe would not be in this situation had he held onto the White House in the last election. Not only would Russia not have attacked Ukraine, he believes that Hamas would not have attacked Israel last October, spurring a conflict that has resulted in the deaths of tens of thousands of Palestinians and accusations of genocide.

He also mentioned the withdrawal of American troops from Afghanistan, something he called “the most embarrassing moment in the history of our country.” Under Trump, we could have withdrawn with “dignity and strength” instead, he maintains.

In fact, he thinks that fiasco may have only served to strengthen Putin’s resolve when it came to entering Ukraine.

“Frankly, Russia would have never gone into Ukraine if it weren’t for that. They looked at that and they said, ‘This country is no longer run by Trump. This country is run by stupid people,’” he said.

If Trump takes office and does try to deliver on this promise, he’ll be facing an uphill battle as the war does not show any signs of slowing down amid more than two years of fighting. Unfortunately, it looks like tensions are only going to escalate as the U.S. appears poised to reverse its ban on Ukraine using long-range weapons supplies by Western nations inside of Russia.

J.D. Vance reveals potential Trump approach to handling Ukraine conflict

His running mate, J.D. Vance, said that one option on the table for a potential Trump administration would be setting up a “demilitarized zone” in the Ukrainian territory that is currently occupied by Russia. He envisions it being “heavily fortified so the Russians don’t invade again” and said that Ukraine could hold onto its independence by guaranteeing neutrality and promising not to join NATO or similar groups.

In comments on The Shawn Ryan Show, he explained that the “current line of demarcation” would stand, which means Ukraine would not be able to reclaim territory under Russian control. He did not state who would have control over the proposed demilitarized done.

Vance stated that although he believes Russia was wrong to invade Ukraine, there is a lot of corruption in Ukraine to answer for as well. He said that the Biden-Harris administration’s stance seems to be throwing “money at this problem [and] hope the Ukrainians are able to achieve a military victory that even the Ukrainians are saying [they] can’t achieve.”

Russia currently controls around 20% of Ukraine’s territory, including Crimea.

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