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Dr. Sabine Hazan contemplates SUING Facebook for censoring her early treatment protocols for COVID
By Ethan Huff // Sep 02, 2024

Gastroenterologist and microbiome expert Dr. Sabine Hazan, MD, is livid over how she was treated by Meta (Facebook and Instagram) during the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) "pandemic" as she was saving lives with ivermectin, doxycycline, zinc, vitamin C and vitamin D – and she is thinking about suing the Mark Zuckerberg empire over it.

In a recent interview with Jillian Michaels of "Keeping It Real," Dr. Hazan explained how the protocol she was using in her COVID patients, including a prominent hospital director who came to her seeking treatment, ended up getting her banned from posting anything on Facebook and Instagram because it went against the Biden regime's approved "remedies," i.e., "vaccines," face masking, and staying at home in fear.

"I couldn't advertise for my clinical trials," Dr. Hazan told Michaels about how Facebook and Instagram muzzled her after she was caught telling her followers about COVID remedies that work.

"I tried screaming it from the top of the roofs. No one died on my shift. Ivermectin, doxycycline, zinc, vitamin C, and vitamin D: Those three protocols I was advertising like I would advertise anything, and what happened was we got censored. Facebook said 'sorry, you're blacklisted and you can no longer advertise.' Instagram, could not advertise."

(Related: Did you know that Facebook also blocked a censorship report from being shared on Meta platforms – a report, by the way, that names Facebook 31 separate times as being a censorship offender.)

How many Americans died because of Mark Zuckerberg?

Dr. Hazan says that after the fiasco with the COVID protocol advertising attempt, Meta simply cut her off entirely from posting anything on her social media accounts. She says she is perplexed about it because all she was promoting are common vitamins and time-tested drugs that are about as safe as it gets.

"These drugs are old," she explained. "They are very safe, in my opinion. Ivermectin, we gave it to babies with scabies ... and doxycycline is given to young kids with acne for a year almost. All of a sudden that's dangerous?"

It became clear to Dr. Hazan after all this happened that entities much more powerful than Facebook, the government, and even the pharmaceutical industry must have been behind this blatant effort to keep people in the dark about COVID remedies that actually work.

"When we couldn't advertise on Facebook and Instagram, I knew this was bigger than pharma," she said. "I knew this was bigger than health. And then when we couldn't talk about vitamin C and vitamin D and zinc – you couldn't even say to people, well, take vitamin C, take vitamin D. There were so many studies on vitamin D and we couldn't even discuss it."

Dr. Hazan also wants to go after the fake news media, lobbyists, politicians and anyone else who allowed this kind of censorship to take place.

"What about the politicians who are told what to say from the lobbyists?" she asked in an X post. "What about all those who closed their eyes during the pandemic because all they saw was the price of that stock? How do all those people sleep at night?"

"Yes, I LOST NO ONE and I sleep at night knowing I DID SOMETHING to help and YES I saved a lot of lives."

Facebook caused a lot of damage during the COVID "pandemic" by censoring critical information that could have saved lives. Learn more at Censorship.news.

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