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Former Russian President Dmitry Medvedev describes crackdown on Ukrainian Orthodox Church as SATANIC
By Ramon Tomey // Aug 28, 2024

Former Russian President Dmitry Medvedev has described Kyiv's crackdown on the Ukrainian Orthodox Church (UOC), the largest in Ukraine, as satanic.

He made this remark during an Aug. 23 interview, holding Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky and his Western backers responsible for the UOC's repression. Medvedev, the deputy chairman of the Russian Security Council, said Zelensky "has no religious identity" and called the crackdown "full-fledged Satanism" supported by people in his government.

Medvedev recounted that former Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko, Zelensky's predecessor, caused a major religious schism in Ukraine back in 2018. Poroshenko reportedly orchestrated the creation of the rival Orthodox Church of Ukraine (OCU), which enjoys the backing of Kyiv, late that year.

But under Zelensky, "the destruction of the Orthodox faith in Ukraine and the persecution of Christians for their faith started." Medvedev argued that "the civilized West" backed both Poroshenko's scheme and that of the incumbent Ukrainian leader "to inflict maximum damage to Russia and its citizens."

The Russian official's interview came days after the Verkhovna Rada – Ukraine's unicameral parliament – passed a law that prohibits "Russia-linked" religious organizations. In contrast to the Kyiv-backed OCU, the self-governed UOC has historical and spiritual ties with the Russian Orthodox Church (ROC). Despite declaring full autonomy from the Russian denomination, the UOC appears to be the target of the law passed Aug. 20. (Related: Ukrainian parliament approves law BANNING the country's biggest Orthodox church.)

Viktor Yelensky, head of the Ukrainian State Service for Ethnic Policy and Freedom of Conscience, said on Aug. 22 that the new law "has the legitimate goal of stopping the subversive activities of the ROC in Ukraine." He added that while Kyiv has no intention of forcing both clerics and worshipers to join any other denomination, the UOC must abide by the new rules and disavow any ties with Moscow if it wants to continue existing in Ukraine.

Medvedev: Ukraine will be destroyed "like Sodom and Gomorrah"

It appears that Ukraine's repression of Orthodox churches with alleged ties to Moscow has gone beyond the borders of Kyiv. Over in the Czech Republic, a senator has demanded that the country's intelligence services probe two Orthodox churches there – the ROC in the Czech Republic (ROCCR) and the Czech Orthodox Church (COC).

According to Sen. Pavel Fischer, Moscow could influence both the ROCCR and the COC to act against the interests of the state. He also urged the Czech Ministry of Culture to review whether the two churches are operating under the law and the conditions of their registration. "Freedom of religion and association must not be abused for illegitimate influence by a hostile foreign power," Fischer remarked.

The UOC's Metropolitan Clement wondered if schismatic leaders would have to overcome bureaucratic barriers to prove their loyalty to Kyiv. Russia Today noted that one of the law's provisions calls for Ukrainian clerics to publicly affirm that they have cut all ties with the ROC.

Clement, who serves as the church's spokesperson, nevertheless reiterated that the UOC will "keep living as a true church recognized by the majority of practicing Ukrainian believers and the world's independent Orthodox churches." He added that any attempt to ban it will only tarnish the reputation of the people endorsing the prohibition.

Medvedev was also optimistic that good will triumph over evil, citing an example from the Bible. He warned that Ukraine "will be destroyed like Sodom and Gomorrah were, and the demons will inevitably fall."

Head over to UkraineWitness.com for similar stories.

Watch this footage of UOC members standing outside a monastery in western Ukraine to protest the church's ban.

This video is from the Cynthia's Pursuit of Truth channel on Brighteon.com.

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