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Panama finally cracking down on Darien Gap migrant problem following reports from Michael Yon
By Ethan Huff // Jul 15, 2024

In keeping with his campaign promises, newly elected Panama President Jose Raul Mulino has sealed the Darien Gap, a major travel route through which illegal migrants are heading north to the United States.

Immediately after being sworn into office on July 1, Mulino that very same day announced that Panama signed an agreement with the U.S. to block the flow of illegal aliens through the isthmus. The U.S. will pay for deporting people who enter Panama illegally, including "equipment, transportation, and logistics," while Panama does the heavy lifting of getting the job done.

"By returning such individuals to their country of origin, we will help deter irregular migration in the region and at our southern border," announced the U.S. National Security Council on July 1, adding that the agreement will "halt the enrichment of malign smuggling networks that prey on vulnerable migrants."

All of this was made possible in part with the help of war correspondent and former Special Forces soldier Michael Yon who has been covering the Darien Gap problem for quite a while now.

(Related: Did you catch Michael Yon's recent in-person interview with Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, about the NGOs that are orchestrating the mass invasion of America? You can watch it below or at Brighteon.com.)

500,000-plus migrants journeyed through Darien Gap in 2023

So far in 2024, some 200,000 migrants have trekked through the Darien Gap from South America in pursuit of North America. In 2023, at least half a million migrants passed through the Darien Gap.

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While campaigning, Mulino promised voters he would stop the problem and end Panama's role as a critical pathway through which illegals are able to funnel north in large numbers.

"I will not allow Panama to be a path open to thousands of people who illegally enter our country supported by an entire international organization related to drug trafficking and human trafficking," Mulino said.

This is obviously much easier said than done, but with this new agreement Panama will have the funding and resources it needs to close down the 60-mile "expanse of swamps, mountains, and rain forest that is the only terrestrial connection between South and Central America," to quote one media source.

While traversing through the Darien Gap, many migrants end up being assaulted, robbed, raped, beaten or murdered by vicious gangs. In the first half of 2023, 60 migrants were reported dead as a result of trying to pass through it, though many believe the true number is much higher.

Even before Mulino was inaugurated, Panama began construction on a network of concertina-wire fences inside the Darien Gap. Frank Abrego, Panama's minister of public security, says patrol at his country's national border service is also working hard to block the majority of border passages in the region.

Imagery shared by NBC News shows what the fencing looks like.

Reports indicate, however, that migrants and their smugglers are already finding ways to breach the barriers, including by boring holes and climbing underneath the new fencing.

"This is only about three-and-a-half years too late," one skeptical commenter wrote on a news story about the Darien Gap plan as tens of millions of illegals have already entered the United States with many more entering every single day.

"Exactly!" responded another. "The current regime took away 'Remain in Mexico,' removed the physical wall, and ended construction of new wall building on day one. They are engaging in panic-induced, last-minute pandering with this stunt."

"All of this will vaporize after the election," suspected another about the possibility that this is all just a ruse.

More related news about the illegal invasion of America can be found at InvasionUSA.news.

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