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Philippine government reports 297,000 excess deaths linked to COVID-19 vaccines
By Ava Grace // Jul 12, 2024

The Philippine government has reported 297,000 excess deaths correlated with the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccines, which prompted a hearing from the Southeast Asian country's legislature.

Two committees of the Philippine House of Representatives began their probe into the reported excess deaths based on data from the Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA): the House Committee on Public Order and Safety (HPOSC) chaired by Rep. Dan Fernandez and the House Committee on Human Rights (HCHR) chaired by Rep. Bienvenido "Benny" Abante Jr.

The HPOSC and HCHR convened a hearing in May regarding this alarming discovery from the PSA's data. According to InfoWars, it was also being undertaken pursuant to House Resolution (HR) 1481 filed by Fernandez. The actor-turned-congressman representing the at-large district of Santa Rosa City in Laguna province said the census agency's figure puts into question the overall safety and efficacy of the response of the Philippine healthcare system at the time of the pandemic.

Fernandez pointed out in HR 1481 that when COVID-19 vaccination commenced in the country in 2021, there was a 43 percent surge in mortality rates compared to the two percent increase in death rate from 2016 to 2020.

"It stands to reason that this very substantial increase in the number of deaths in 2021 could be attributed mainly to either two factors – to (COVID-19) infection or to the vaccines themselves," the resolution stated.

The HPOSC chairman said that deaths in 2020 were 40,147 lower than expected, but were 297,000 higher in 2021. To determine and compare the number of deaths during the pandemic and deaths under normal circumstances, the congressman used the concept of excess mortality or excess death. This is computed by subtracting the expected deaths from the actual number of deaths during the five years before the pandemic – that is, the average annual number of deaths from 2015 to 2019.

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Fernandez admits approving vaccine mandate was a mistake

During the May 28 hearing, Fernandez also discussed the increase in deaths following the rollout of the COVID-19 vaccines under the term of former President Rodrigo Duterte. He also acknowledged the House's past legislative mistake with regard to the injections.

"We've been a part of that mistake because we approved the law that mandates the pharmaceutical [companies] to be responsible. And now we learn from that mistake."

Australian journalist Sally Ann Clark, who is currently with the health freedom coalition Lunas Pilipinas, also testified during the hearing. She told Fernandez and other lawmakers present: "In 2021, when vaccination rolled out, the deaths went up in all age groups that were vaccinated."

Clark also pointed out that the Philippines has had "a loss of babies every single year since the pandemic started." She lamented that 2019 was the last normal birth year in the country."

Attorney Tanya Lat, also of Lunas Pilipinas, also testified before lawmakers. She pointed out that the Filipino population is getting upset with the Philippine Department of Health (DOH) for the harm it has caused with the COVID-19 injections.

"There are Filipino people who are sick and tired of how the DOH has let us down," Lat said at the hearing. "[The DOH] has refused to admit that people are dying, turning a blind eye to the people who are getting sick – turbo cancers, myocarditis, children who are suddenly sick as if they are 60-, 70-year-old people."

Visit VaccineDeaths.com for similar stories.

Watch this COVID-19 vaccine worldwide excess death update from Dr. John Campbell.

This video is from the Prevent Global Genocide channel on Brighteon.com.

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