A mass email from RNC Research that cites data from the American Farm Bureau Federation claims that the same Fourth of July barbecue meal that the Biden White House bragged was $0.16 cheaper in 2021 compared to 2020 under Donald Trump is now $11.72 more expensive in 2024 thanks to runaway inflation.
In July 2021, the White House uploaded a video for the American public claiming that Joe Biden's economic policies had resulted in a meager decrease in July 4th food prices. Fast-forward three years and that same meal is now more expensive than ever before.
"After the Biden White House attempted to brag about the price of an Independence Day barbeque going down by $0.16 in 2021, the same meal has increased by $11.72 since then," the email states.
A fact check into the $0.16 cost reduction claim from Biden revealed that his economic policies had absolutely nothing to do with that, and had more to do with the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) "pandemic."
"Prices for many food items abnormally spiked during the summer of 2020 as Americans purchased more food and production and supply chains suffered," the fact check states.
(Related: A 2023 study found that food has become too expensive for many American families to afford.)
While inflation is (supposedly) slowing down, it is still much higher than the private Federal Reserve banking cartel's two percent target. And no matter how you slice it, Independence Day feels more like Slavery Day for tens of millions of Americans who can no longer afford to live.
In 2022, an astounding 33 percent of Americans changed their Fourth of July celebrations because of excessively high gas prices, this according to an Emerson College poll. Gas prices in 2024 are no better.
The Biden White House, meanwhile, is attempting a real-life "Weekend at Bernie's" event at the White House as First Lady "Dr." Jill Biden prepares to host a barbecue at 5pm. "The big guy" will reportedly be there "as he strives to look energetic and engaged with the late afternoon starting time," one media report said.
"Given the awkward days that have followed the octogenarian's dismal showing in the first presidential debate, he has little choice but to fight on or simply resign and walk away," the same report added.
"Biden, who would be 86 if and when his second term ends, has a long list of events planned for the next week to counter that narrative and prove to his doubters he still has what it takes to stay in the highest office in the land and it all begins on Independence Day."
According to RNC Research, it will cost $71.22 this year to host a cookout for 10 guests on the Fourth of July.
"Prices are up way more than any sites are reporting," one commenter wrote. "Go shopping and find out."
"Biden and the entire White House lie about everything," wrote another. "I guess they think we are all stupid for putting a senile president in office with a low IQ VP. Good grief the U.S. is in serious trouble."
Someone else wrote that baby back ribs are up from $12 to $24 for a rack while chicken is up from $7.50 to $16.
"Steaks that used to be $12-$15 are up to $30 and $40. Is your $11 figure a price-check on hot dogs?"
"Hamburgers, ribs, watermelon, and potato salad are for the elite," wrote another. "You get roach roast, grilled grasshopper, mashed maggots, hornet dogs, wasp watermelon, cricket on the cob, shoo flea pie, and beetle biscuits."
The latest news about the Biden economy can be found at Collapse.news.
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