It is found in natto, a traditional Japanese dish that is made using soybeans fermented with the bacterium Bacillus subtilis natto, which is rich in nutrients such as zinc, vitamin C, magnesium, calcium, iron, potassium and copper. The dish has been enjoyed in Japan for more than 1,200 years, but unlike other Japanese imports such as sushi and miso soup, it has only recently caught wider attention in the West on account of its health properties.
Natto is commonly consumed at breakfast in Japan, often with rice and pickled vegetables, and Japanese grocery stores offer numerous varieties of it, much like the abundance of yogurt varieties found in the U.S. There are various accounts of its origins, with one of the most popular theories claiming that it can be traced to soldiers who consumed boiled soybeans that had been packed in bundles of rice straw before they had a chance to cool down after they sat for several days. They reportedly found the resulting food delicious and nourishing and soon began requesting it; rice straw contains the Bacillus subtilis natto bacterium, so it was essentially discovered by accident.
Scientists would later discover that nattokinase can degrade fibrin, which is an important structural component of blood clots. This means it is useful in preventing blood clots, reducing blood pressure and potentially even addressing Alzheimer’s disease.
Here is a closer look at some of its top benefits:
As a traditional dish that has been enjoyed by Japanese people for centuries, natto does not generally have any side effects. However, like many foods, some people may be allergic to it. Scientists believe that it could lower blood pressure too much in some people and potentially cause blood clots to relocate as it breaks them down, which may shift them to a less favorable position, such as the brain or lungs. It’s not a good idea to take it with blood pressure medication or blood thinners.
The traditional Japanese dish natto may be the most obvious source of nattokinase, but it has a smell that has been compared to that of Gorgonzola cheese and a strong flavor that may not appeal to everyone, not to mention a sticky and slightly slimy texture.
There are several supplements on the market that can be useful for those who do not have easy access to this food or do not enjoy consuming it, but it is important to seek reputable sources.
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