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UN probe finds Israel GUILTY of crimes against humanity in Gaza
By Kevin Hughes // Jun 17, 2024

Israel is guilty of "war crimes" and "crimes against humanity" in the Gaza Strip, a United Nations (UN) committee has concluded.

The UN Independent International Commission of Inquiry (COI) made this conclusion on June 12, deeming Tel Aviv guilty of the atrocities committed during its eight-month-long campaign of genocide against Palestinians in Gaza. The COI said Israeli authorities are accountable for "the war crimes of starvation as a method of warfare, murder or willful killing, intentionally directing attacks against civilians and civilian objects, forcible transfer, sexual violence, torture and inhuman or cruel treatment, arbitrary detention, and outrages upon personal dignity."

The COI also discovered that "the crimes against humanity of extermination, gender persecution targeting Palestinian men and boys, murder, [and] forcible transfer" were also committed. According to the commission's findings, the the enormous number of civilian casualties and destruction of civilian infrastructure in Gaza is "the inevitable result of a strategy undertaken with the intent to cause maximum damage, disregarding the principles of distinction, proportionality, and adequate precautions."

Moreover, the investigation resolved that the inflammatory remarks by Israeli officials "amounted to incitement and may constitute other serious international crimes," adding that direct and public provocation to genocide is a crime under international law whenever committed.

The COI also criticized Israel's continued assaults on civilian evacuation routes and "safe areas" and stated leading Israeli authorities have "weaponized the siege and used the provision of life-sustaining necessities, including by severing water, food, electricity, fuel, and humanitarian assistance, for strategic and political gains."

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The COI was set up by the UN Human Rights Council in 2021 to investigate extensive violations of international humanitarian and human rights law by Israel in the occupied Palestinian territories. (Related: UN experts call for investigation into Israeli human rights violations against Palestinian women and girls.)

Not just Gaza: COI discovers Israel's war crimes in the West Bank

The COI also mentioned that Tel Aviv committed war crimes in the occupied West Bank. Such crimes include "acts of sexual violence, torture and inhuman or cruel treatment and outrages upon personal dignity." It also concluded that the Israeli government "permitted, fostered, and instigated" a pattern of settler aggression directed against Palestinian communities.

While the report mainly focused on Israel's war crimes, the COI also zoomed in on the misdeeds of Hamas and six other Palestinian armed groups. It accused the movements of "intentionally directing attacks against civilians, murder or wilful killing, torture, inhuman or cruel treatment, destroying or seizing the property of an adversary, outrages upon personal dignity, and taking hostages, including children."

"The COI eventually asked the Israeli government to carry out a ceasefire immediately, lift the blockade of Gaza, permit the unrestricted entry of humanitarian aid, stop attacks on civilians and infrastructure, and "comply fully" with the decisions of the International Court of Justice (ICJ).

"Israel must immediately stop its military operations and attacks in Gaza, including the assault on Rafah, which has cost the lives of hundreds of civilians and again displaced hundreds of thousands of people to unsafe locations without basic services and humanitarian assistance," COI Chair Navi Pillay said in a press release.

"It is imperative that all those who have committed crimes be held accountable. The only way to stop the recurring cycles of violence, including aggression and retribution by both sides, is to ensure strict adherence to international law."

Follow IsraelCollapse.com for more news about Israel's ongoing war against Hamas in Gaza.

Watch Robert Inlakesh explaining the UN's decision to add Israel to the blacklist of countries harming children below.

This video is from the CreeperStatus channel on Brighteon.com.

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