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U.S. Special Forces Navy SEALs engage in LGBT Pride prancing on social media as the rest of the world looks on and laughs
By Ethan Huff // Jun 13, 2024

The elite Navy SEALs division of the United States military, long considered to be one of the most well-respected fighting forces in the world, has gone woke by joining the LGBT Pride mob.

Not long before the Biden regime's Department of Defense (DoD) blasted Pride colors and flags all across social media, the official Navy SEALs social media accounts did the exact same thing in celebration of Pride.

While much of corporate America has toned down its Pride Month festivities due to massive public backlash, the U.S. military is forging onward in pushing perversion and degeneracy on the masses.

According to the U.S. military, "lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer" (LGBTQ) lifestyles deserve to be celebrated. The U.S. armed forces consider all of these sexual appetites to constitute "Dignity, Service, Respect and Equality."

(Related: Remember back in 2018 when former Navy SEAL Tej Gill stated publicly that two-time failed presidential wannabe Hillary Clinton "killed my friends?")

Facebook users respond to Navy's Pride push

As has been happening a lot in recent years, the social media-sphere was really upset after the U.S. Naval Special Warfare Command account on Facebook did a digital LGBT Pride prance for the world to see.

Not long after the unit unleashed a torrent of six-colored "rainbow" posts in promotion of Pride, the official account limited its responses due to massive public backlash.

One post received 370 ridiculing "Laugh" emoji responses, along with 350 "Angry" reactions. Comparatively, there were less than 200 positive responses to the post, which in the social media world is referred to as a "ratio."

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"This is a slap in the face of every special warfare operator that has put their lives on the line for our nation," commented someone named John Jeacopello in response to the post.

"I know plenty of current and former SEALs who are disgusted with this," said another, named Luke Pierson. "Please repent of this debaucherous behavior and stick to what you're good at."

Another person named Owen Merton wrote that this "woke s*** ... is like a cancer and needs to be handled and dealt with as a threat to national security."

"Gone way too far," Merton added.

Another person named Arcides Cruz who claims to have once served in the U.S. armed forces expressed thankfulness to no longer be in the military today.

"So glad I got out before this b******* took over," Cruz added.

Conservative commentator Todd Starnes wrote an article of his own that explained the tone deafness of the Navy in promoting such filth.

"One of the greatest concerns among veterans and active duty servicemembers is the wokeness that has infected nearly every branch of the service," Starnes wrote. "Instead of raising up fierce defenders of freedom, the woke Pentagon is raising up an army of social justice warriors."

"Our enemies are laughing at us, America."

Despite all this backlash, the DoD proceeded to post a pro-Pride message on X that just like the Navy's Facebook post drew ire from the world of social media.

The DoD post called for the American public to "come together to honor the contributions of LGBTQ+ service members," adding that the U.S. military is committed to "ensuring and promoting an atmosphere of dignity and respect for all civilian and military personnel."

At least 7,000 people commented on the post, which only had about 1,500 "Likes." This, too, is an example of being ratioed, meaning the post in question is wildly unpopular.

"If anyone is wondering why they keep posting this despite the fact that we all hate it, it's because this is a Regime humiliation tactic," commented Pete D'Abrosca about the DoD's pro-Pride post.

"They know we can't do anything about it so they're flipping us the bird."

There is nothing about LGBT to be proud of. Learn more at Gender.news.

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