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Tucker Carlson blasts house Republicans for ‘rewarding’ FBI, says agency is now a secret police organization
By News Editors // Jun 12, 2024

Tucker Carlson calls out House Republicans for approving funds for a new FBI headquarters despite evidence of political bias within the agency.

(Article republished from YourNews.com)

During an interview with attorney Tristan Leavitt, Tucker Carlson criticized House Republicans for “rewarding” the FBI by funding a new headquarters. Leavitt, president of Empower Oversight, testified alongside FBI whistleblowers Steve Friend, Marcus Allen, and Garret O’Boyle in 2023 before the House Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government. He revealed that FBI documents contained “extremely intrusive questions” about support for former President Donald Trump and Covid-19 vaccine status, prompting Carlson’s criticism of GOP lawmakers.

“What’s so baffling is that Republicans hold the majority in the House. There’s a Republican speaker,” Carlson said. “We now know you’ve proven with these documents that supporting a Republican for president is enough to get your security clearance revoked. So, the FBI is, by definition, a political secret police organization. And that’s antithetical to freedom.”

He continued, “And yet the Republicans in the Congress, even though this is all very obvious, just refunded the FBI and allocated hundreds of millions of dollars to build them a new headquarters. They’re rewarding the FBI. So, at what point do Republicans say, 'I'm sorry, we’re not going to pay for a secret police organization dedicated to destroying us.'"

Seventy House Republicans voted with Democrats in November 2023 to fund the new FBI headquarters in Maryland. Leavitt expressed his belief that the uncovered documents “are going to be the tipping point” for Congress to “overhaul the FBI and the personnel that are in it at the moment.” He emphasized that “political considerations” were evident in security clearance determinations.

Carlson added, “It just becomes clear every day that January 6 was, well, a hoax, on one level. But the response to it was one of the most corrupt things that’s ever happened in our lifetimes in this country. I mean, that’s the conclusion I’m coming to.”

FBI whistleblower Marcus Allen had his security clearance reinstated on May 31 after Empower Oversight issued legal threats against the FBI. Allen’s clearance was suspended in 2022 after he questioned FBI Director Christopher Wray’s testimony about law enforcement presence at the Jan. 6 riots at the U.S. Capitol, leading to accusations of disloyalty to the country.

Read more at: YourNews.com

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