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Russia’s Medvedev warns Poland: Warsaw will get its share of radioactive ash
By Ramon Tomey // May 31, 2024

Former Russian President Dmitry Medvedev has warned Poland that it will get its share of "radioactive ash," the latest in his string of bombastic threats against various countries.

His threat against Warsaw came in response to remarks made by Polish Foreign Minister Radoslaw Sikorski during a May 25 interview with the Guardian. According to Sikorski, the likelihood of a Russian nuclear attack is low due to the stance taken by the U.S. He also mentioned that Poland backed Ukraine's right to strike at military targets in Russia, arguing that the West had to stop constantly limiting itself in what it does to support Ukraine.

"The Americans have told the Russians that if you explode a nuke, even if it doesn't kill anybody, we will hit all your [positions] in Ukraine with conventional weapons, we'll destroy all of them. I think that's a credible threat," the foreign minister argued.

"The Russians are hitting the Ukrainian electricity grid, their grain terminals and gas storage capacity – civilian infrastructure. The Russian operation is conducted from the headquarters at Rostov-on-Don. Apart from not using weapons, Russia does not limit itself much."

Medvedev, currently the deputy chairman of the Russian Security Council, took to X to issue his warning. "Sikorsi, apparently, has decided to scare his own masters," wrote the Russian official, also debunking the Polish minister's assertions.

"First, the Yankees so far haven't said anything exactly like that because they are more cautious than the Polacks. Second, Americans hitting out targets means starting a world war – and a foreign minister, even of a country like Poland, should understand that."

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"Third, considering that yet another Polack – [Polish President Andrzej] Duda – has recently announced the wish to deploy [tactical nuclear weapons] in Poland, Warsaw won't be left out and will surely get its share of radioactive ash. Is it what you really want? The Polish are resentful; [they] have been like that for over 400 years."

Medvedev at it again with his threats of NUCLEAR WAR

Medvedev's third point in his warning to Poland was about Warsaw's bid to participate in the North Atlantic Treaty Organization's (NATO) nuclear sharing program. During an interview with the Polish tabloid Fakt, the Polish president said his country is willing to host nuclear weapons. (Related: Newest NATO member Sweden open to hosting NUCLEAR WEAPONS – but only during wartime.)

"I must admit that when asked about [hosting nuclear weapons], I declared our readiness. Recently, [Russia] has been relocating its nuclear weapons to Belarus. If our allies decide to deploy nuclear weapons as part of nuclear-sharing also on our territory to strengthen the security of NATO's eastern flank, we are ready for it," said Duda.

"We don't have such a tradition. There has never been, unless my memory serves me wrong, such complete universal access to weapons in Poland. We can discuss loosening some of the shackles of requirements in this area, but I would be cautious about completely universal access to weapons."

This was not the first time Medvedev, who served as Russian president from 2008 until 2012, issued threats of nuclear war against other countries. In February, he warned that the Ukrainian capital Kyiv and some Western capitals – Berlin, London and Washington – would feel the might of the "entire strategic arsenal" of nuclear weapons Moscow has.

"Attempts to return Russia to the borders of 1991 will lead only to one thing – to a global war with Western countries using the entire strategic arsenal of our state," he wrote. Medvedev also urged Ukraine's backers to stand down "before it's too late," claiming that Russian nuclear weapons would blast "beautiful historical places" to bits.

Watch this "TruNews" report about Dmitry Medvedev threatening nuclear strikes against the U.K. for deploying British troops in Ukraine.

This video is from the TruNews channel on Brighteon.com.

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