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Israeli Netzah Yehuda soldier confesses to killing U.S. citizen in Gaza
By Ethan Huff // May 26, 2024

Recordings have emerged of a self-proclaimed soldier from Israel's Netzah Yehuda battalion admitting that he killed a 78-year-old American from Palestine.

The soldier "flaunted his genocidal views," according to The GrayZone, which obtained the recordings directly. They display once again why the Netzah Yehuda battalion is controversial, and why the Biden regime was going to sanction it before ultimately deciding not to for some inexplicable reason.

The White House was going to sanction a total of five Israeli military units that have been accused of crimes against humanity in the occupied West Bank.

"Four of these units have effectively remediated these violations, which is what we expect partners to do," the U.S. State Department announced, failing to provide any further details about what Israel has done to hold its soldiers accountable for war crimes.

The fifth unit that has not done anything at all is the all-male Netzah Yehuda, a unit of Orthodox Jewish nationalists that operates almost exclusively in the Ramallah district of the West Bank.

"This battalion stands accused of widespread crimes including sexual assault and beating at least three older men to death while they were lying on the ground in custody," The GrayZone reported.

"In its most brazen instance of abuse, Netzah Yehuda soldiers detained an 78-year-old American citizen named Omar Asad in January 2022 near his home in Ramallah, then left him outdoors in harsh conditions, bound and blindfolded, until he died. Israeli authorities refused to charge the soldiers for Asad's killing, opting instead for a disciplinary slap on the wrist while paying compensation to Asad's family."

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(Related: The ICC is moving forward with arresting Netanyahu and his cabinet for war crimes.)

State Department beats around the bush about Netzah Yehuda

The Washington, D.C.-based human rights group DAWN issued a report about Netzah Yehuda confirming that not long after the time of Asad's killing, Lt. Col. Mati Shevach was promoted to Deputy Commander of the Kfir Brigade, which oversees the formation of Netzah Yehuda.

Netzah Yehuda's record of abuses is lengthy, and yet the Biden regime for some unknown reason halted announced plans to sanction it. State Department spokesman Vedant Patel told reporters on April 29 that the reason for the sudden hesitation is because "this is an ongoing process."

"I'm not going to speak to it more specifically, but consistent with the memorandum of understanding that we have with the government of Israel, we are engaging with them, consulting with them as it relates to not just this broader process but additional information that they've shared," Patel added.

The State Department insists it is "still deciding" whether or not to sanction Netzah Yehuda, even after the leaked recordings revealed the following statement from the soldier who brutally tortured and slaughtered an elderly Palestinian-American man for allegedly interfering with a raid the unit was conducting at the time.

"This geezer who's, like, trying to interfere with our operation: we're going to, like, f*** with him for a night," the Israeli soldier says in the disturbing recording.

The same soldier routinely referred to Arabs in general as "murderers" and "criminal animals" while boasting that he loves to torture and kill Palestinians for fun.

The soldier also compared himself and others in his unit to the Americans who photographed themselves with dead Japanese soldiers during World War II "doing funny things with their bodies."

"Yeah, I enjoy it because they're our enemy," the soldier declared about how much he loves to torture and kill Arabs.

The video recordings of this first appeared on the social media chat site Discord. They were recorded by a self-identifying activist named "NuclearDiffusion."

The Israel-Gaza war is reaching a head. Learn more at Prophecy.news.

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