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JUST IN: Trump would consider Ken Paxton for US AG if he wins in November
By News Editors // May 22, 2024

President Donald Trump has revealed that he would consider Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton for national AG if Trump wins in November.

(Article by Thomas Stevenson republished from ThePostMillenial.com)

When asked by a KDFW-TV reporter if he would consider Paxton for the position, Trump responded, “I would, actually,” in the interview on Saturday at the annual NRA convention in Texas.

“He’s very, very talented. I mean, we have a lot of people that want that one and will be very good at it. But he’s a very talented guy.” Paxton has been a longtime ally of Trump. “I fought for him when he had the difficulty, and we won,” Trump added. “He had some people really after him, and I thought it was very unfair. He’s been a good attorney general.”

During the interview, Trump also addressed crime going on in the country, saying that police departments need to be given back their dignity and "do their job" effectively. "We need to police to be able to correctly and properly do their job. There's too much crime in the country. We've never seen crime like this before."

Both Paxton and Trump have supported each other in legal cases when they have gotten tied up in them. Earlier in April, Paxton posted online about the NYC case brought by Alvin Bragg, "With President Trump in NYC to sit through this sham of a trial. This trial is a travesty of justice. I stand with Trump."

Paxton and Trump have both advocated for tough border policies for the US, another topic the assumed GOP nominee touched on during the interview.

Read more at: ThePostMillenial.com

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