The George Soros-backed leftist has basically already shut down a conservative magazine called VDARE that is outspoken against the Biden regime's handling of the border crisis. VDARE also publishes content about the controversial "Great Replacement Theory."
VDARE editor and founder Peter Brimelow wrote a lengthy piece about what his magazine is facing at the hands of James.
According to Brimelow, on March 27, 2024, New York State Supreme Court Judge Sabrina Kraus held Brimelow and his magazine in contempt of court because they had not yet complied with a Jan. 23, 2023 order that they meet what Brimelow describes as "NYAG James' massive and crippling subpoena demands."
Brimelow had not yet complied precisely because he is fighting the order, which Judge Kraus did acknowledge, allowing him to keep private the names of some magazine writers "whom would certainly be fired from their jobs if their identities leaked."
"But we are still required to review 40 gigabytes of emails, an enormous amount," Brimelow writes. "And of course these could in fact reveal the names of those pseudonymous writers, as well as our donors, privileged communications with lawyers, etc."
Judge Kraus granted permission for these emails to be redacted, but the cost of doing so is expected to be a whopping $150,000.
"An observer tells us this order is more typical of major corporate litigation, not a tiny charity," Brimelow notes about how he and his magazine are being specifically targeted by James as part of her ongoing lawfare operation against conservatives.
(Related: Did you know that James is also waging war on beef?)
Reporting on the matter, Revolver noted that what James is doing to Brimelow and VDARE "is reminiscent of something you'd see in Soviet Russia or North Korea," not the so-called "land of the free."
Even after seemingly doing a little more of the right thing for Brimelow, Judge Kraus has reportedly modified her original Jan. 23, 2023 order by fining VDARE $250 per day for not complying with it.
"We have fought NYAG Letitia James, at a cost of up to $1 million, for nearly three years," Brimelow writes. "But now we are literally hanging on the cross."
The only possible reason why James is doing all this is to persecute Brimelow and VDARE because she does not like their conservative leanings. Being a Trump hater and all, James is clearly on a witch hunt against her political opposition.
VDARE continues to struggle to stay afloat and Brimelow says it will continue on a reduced publishing schedule "as long as it can, at least until after our April 26-28 conference," but that this will be difficult.
"The suppression of's voice, at a time when the immigration debate is moving to a climax, is of course a political scandal," Brimelow writes about the saga.
"But, on a personal level, I might also observe that was an entirely viable 24/7 opinion convenience store. I had hoped to leave it to my young wife and our children after I am gone. Now it appears, thanks to Letitia James, that this will not be possible. They will need some other means of support."
Be sure to read Brimelow's full article at
The latest news coverage about the lawfare taking place in New York can be found at
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