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Report: Nikki Haley is CANCELING all ad spending for her failed campaign
By Ramon Tomey // Mar 07, 2024

Former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley appears to be canceling all her spending for advertisements, according to a report.

Fox News initially touched on the matter in the form of a conversation between the network's Bill Hemmer and Bret Baier. Hemmer opened the conversation by asking Baier if the rumors were true that Haley may or may not have any ads or appearances after March 4 – ahead of Super Tuesday the following day.

"I've heard that as well," Baier replied. "I haven't talked to anybody on the campaign beyond … some people tied to it tangentially. If that's the case and [it] holds to be true, that's very telling."

"[Haley's] win so far is the [Washington], D.C. primary – and [if] you look at the map and look at the polls, it's tough to see a breakthrough [in] any place on Super Tuesday, despite the fact that 11 out of 15 states are open primaries where Democrats and independents can vote. But that's a telltale sign; we saw that from [Florida Gov.] Ron DeSantis too, after Iowa."

Ever since the Republican party primary elections, former President Donald Trump has consistently won several states. In contrast, Haley has had dismal results in primaries across various states – even in her home state of South Carolina. She only won the GOP primary for Washington, D.C., the so-called "swamp" that Trump wants to drain.

"Cancelling all ad spend and … all appearances. Fox News says live on air [that] it's hard to see her getting a victory anywhere on Super Tuesday," 100 Percent Fed Up pointed out.

"Actually to be fair, she already had her demise weeks ago. She just failed to accept it and stubbornly has continued on in the race, clinging to the hope that the courts would give her the nomination by knocking out Trump. [But] with the [recent U.S. Supreme Court decision favoring Trump], that is now becoming increasingly less likely; perhaps even Haley [herself] is finally seeing the writing on the wall?" (Related: SCOTUS: States CANNOT REMOVE Trump from their election ballots based on 14th Amendment's insurrection clause.)

Calls for Haley to DROP OUT getting louder

Trump's victory streak on Super Tuesday appears to show no signs of slowing down, with the former president winning most of the primaries in the 15 states that held theirs on March 5. Given this, calls for Haley to drop out of the presidential race have become louder. Several conservative personalities have joined the chorus, telling the former U.S. ambassador to the United Nations to call it quits.

"Haley needs to drop out of the race," said former Housing Secretary Ben Carson in a post on X. "Our country is facing existential threats from within and abroad. If left unresolved, [these] will change the course of our future indefinitely."

Carson also reiterated that there are "real problems to solve for our children and grandchildren." He added that "America needs a strong leader back on the world stage" – in the person of Trump.

Former New York Rep. Lee Zeldin also called for Haley to drop out. "It's time for Haley to end her campaign, the GOP to unite and our great country to be saved in November," he posted on X. Incumbent Texas Rep. Ronny Jackson echoed calls for her to withdraw, noting that Haley and other Republicans in name only "have fought [Trump] every step of the way."

The Erie County GOP also posted a message on X, saying that "Trump's decisive victory on Super Tuesday should be the final straw for Haley. It's time for her to drop out and unify the GOP behind the America First candidate who will help secure our borders and take our country back."

Watch Newsmax's Carl Higbie expresses confusion as to why Nikki Haley remains in the GOP presidential race below.

This video is from the NewsClips channel on Brighteon.com.

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South Carolina poll: Trump leads Haley by 35 points in her own backyard.

Report: Nikki Haley's presidential campaign backed by more than 5,200 Biden donors.

Koch-backed super-PAC suspends funding for Nikki Haley after her devastating loss in South Carolina primary.

Matrixxx Grooove: Nikki Haley's presidential campaign is backed by Democratic DARK MONEY – Brighteon.TV.

LinkedIn co-founder and major Dem donor has visited Epstein island, recently donated $250,000 to Nikki Haley super PAC.

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