(Article by J.B. Shurk republished from AllNewsPipeline.com)
This somewhat regurgitated “white rural rage” thesis comes from a “journalist” and an “academic” who have written a book explaining why white, patriotic Americans who just want to live their lives free from government interference are actually responsible for everything wrong in the country. Just when I think my white-hot contempt for closed-minded toffs couldn’t burn more brightly, a couple nitwits ratchet up my “rage” to eleventy. Dang, they got me. Turns out that if you scapegoat rural Americans long enough, some will get angry. Uff da.
Of course, anyone who lives in or near rural America knows that the brain-dead professor and reporter tag-team responsible for this drivel never spent any time meeting the people whom they disparage. If they had, it would have been impossible for them to write so dishonestly (even for people paid to lie for a living). Rural America is where authentic democracy flourishes. People still gather in churches and town squares to discuss their communities’ hardships and successes. Law enforcement and firefighting depend on the efforts of volunteers. Local papers tell stories of next-door neighbors and follow the adventures of townspeople far from home — many risking their lives in combat overseas.
When someone isn’t seen in the grocery store or at the bank for any length of time, people notice. Before a sheriff’s deputy has time to investigate, local residents are on the case. When snowed-in roads need clearing, family trucks turn into plows. When farmers need extra hands to harvest crops, familiar faces arrive in droves. At the deli, town market, or local watering hole residents debate the issues on their minds. There are no timeouts because some topic has been declared “politically incorrect” or because some intervening listener declares the conversation riddled with “hate.” Rural America is where free speech thrives.
If saving American “democracy” were really the goal, New York City, San Francisco, and Washington, D.C., would be sending delegations out to “flyover country” as part of fact-finding missions to see how it’s done. Umm, interesting, these residents can disagree with each other without burning down each other’s businesses? I did not know that was possible! Yet it is possible. It is normal! Rural Americans can scream at each other one night and make up before church service the next day. You mean nobody is around to police their speech? Nope, rural Americans recognize the same basic truth that our political forefathers understood — that no king or parliament has the power to tell an adult what he may think or say.
But how does anything get done without a strong central government providing for their every need? It might sound amazing, but ordinary people are quite capable of protecting their neighbors and providing for their towns’ survival. During an emergency, they don’t wait for the “authorities” to arrive. Outside of Almighty God, they are the authorities. As rational adults with responsibility for their own lives, they know what needs to be done. And they do it. If you want to see “democracy in action,” visit one of the tens of thousands of small communities that dot the country from coast to coast. They are where strong, caring, and resilient people work and live.
The real fear of the “white rural rage” Chicken Littles is not that rural Americans are a threat to “democracy” but rather that they provide an immovable bulwark against the Deep State’s “master plan” for a totalitarian super-State. All over the West, politicians and pundits continue to extol authoritarianism as “democratic” and denigrate self-government as “populist.” It’s absurdly Orwellian, of course, but since we live in the age of censorship, propaganda, and linguistic chicanery, these word games will continue. Somewhere in the pits of Hell, Stalin, Hitler, Mussolini, and Mao are eager to remind Klaus Schwab and all the other Western globalists how “democratic” their “rules-based international orders” are, too.
The globalist authoritarians have instructed the commoners to stop eating meat. Rural Americans have said, “Nah, we’re good. We like steak.” The “new world order” folks have insisted that a great deal of speech must be censored in order to protect fragile adults from experiencing outbreaks of unapproved “hate.” Rural Americans have responded, “Suck it up, Buttercup. Maybe try listening to an opposing point of view sometime. It might just vaccinate you from the plague of groupthink.”
The globo-Marxists have demanded that consumers hand over their keys to any car with an internal combustion engine. Rural Americans have laughingly replied, “Not only are we keeping every truck and tractor from the last century in a barn out back but also we can’t wait to buy some new all-terrain vehicles to ride through the backcountry.” Officials who betray their oaths to the Constitution have told law-abiding Americans that they have no right to own a gun. Rural Americans have calmly loaded their weapons in preparation for self-defense and whispered back, “Come and take it.” In disposition and beliefs, rural Americans are the natural “Minutemen” guarding American liberty.
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