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Russia primarily wants Ukraine out of NATO – but the West prefers to spend BILLIONS on PROXY WAR
By Belle Carter // Feb 28, 2024

For some reason, the West wants the world to think that Russia will run out of war weaponry and soldiers and eventually lose the ongoing conflict in Ukraine. But Alex Christoforou, writer and co-host of the "The Duran," believes that Western leaders are being misled by their analysts.

"Russia was never going to lose this conflict, and that was obvious from day one. Russia didn't want this conflict and the narratives that they spin are cinematic because there's no truth to them," he told Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, during a recent episode of the "Health Ranger Report," adding that right from the beginning of this conflict, Russia only wanted to force Ukraine to the negotiating table and get it to say that it is not going to join the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO).

Christoforou told Adams that Russian President Vladimir Putin was close to accomplishing this. However, former British Prime Minister Boris Johnson came in and destroyed the last major opportunity for a ceasefire in early 2022. And now, Biden wants to pump up Ukraine with weapons and supply the nation with billions of dollars.

The globalist West is spreading the propaganda that Putin was aiming to take over a city of two million people with 40,000 troops. (Related: After squandering $111B on military aid for Ukraine, Biden administration is asking for yet more funds.)

"Bidens's White House spun the events that took place at the beginning of the special military operation so that they could then get the money and the weapons to start sending them to Ukraine," he said. But for Russia, it was actually about Ukraine becoming neutral. "Whether they like Putin or hate him, it doesn't matter. The Russian people want him."

Adams agreed, saying that Putin has a very high approval rating among the Russian people, while only a quarter of people in the United States approve of Biden. The Health Ranger inquired what the analyst thought would be the next "secret magical weapon system" of the West to make them "suddenly win the war."

"Will it be a million drones?" he asked. Christoforou agreed that the "superpowers" may try to spin this fiction. He further revealed that the U.S. Department of Defense released a recent report saying that the Biden White House has more "magic weapons."

"They said that the White House rushed the weapons to Ukraine and these are part of the U.S. military stockpiles. These aren't weapons just lying around that they don't need. These are weapons that the U.S. Army needs. They had zero plan in place," Christoforou said. He further emphasized that Ukraine is not equipped to maintain these weapons so they will just become useless.

The Brighteon.com and Natural News founder agreed. "You can't just give people F-16s and think they're good forever and just keep them flying, You can't think that these don't need any parts and maintenance," Adams said.

United States is being ruled by emotional and illogical leaders

With every endeavor in America that has recently been involved in the past decades, Christoforou believes that American leaders are ruling with their emotions.

"I understand that there are politics at play and a lot of money at play and you have anything from Big Pharma to the military-industrial complex. You have all of these mighty corporations and groups, making a lot of the decisions are influencing much of the decision-making in D.C., but the people that are making the decisions if you take out the money part of the equation, a lot of them are just ruled by their emotions," he said.

The duo agreed that, unlike Biden's unhinged moments, at least former President Barack Obama was sharp.

"When the coup in Ukraine went down and everything with Crimea happened, Obama was like 'No, we are not going to provoke Russia because this is their backyard. They have escalatory dominance in the region.' As powerful as the United States is, he even understood that we can't go into that part of the world and take on Russia because it's a huge risk," Christoforou said.

Meanwhile, the current president is "very emotionally undone" and has this obsession with Putin or with former President Donald Trump, said Christoforou. "This animosity, jealousy and hatred, it's all rolled into one end. And it's coming through and out and people are seeing it. It's very embarrassing," he added.

Adams concurred, citing how the West is losing its grip over the world. "Look at the Houthis in Yemen, which have carried out an effective naval blockade that the U.S. can't do a damn thing about," he said.

"The dollar is losing its dominance globally and Saudi Arabia is moving away from it," the Health Ranger continued. "More and more countries are accepting BRICS currencies. The U.S. didn't want to live in a world a multipolar world where Russia was powerful. And China was powerful and Iran even existed, but they're losing it. And it's so obvious."

Check out WWIII.news for more news about the escalating conflicts worldwide.

Watch the full episode of the "Health Ranger Report" with Mike Adams featuring Alex Christoforou below.

This video is from the Health Ranger Report channel on Brighteon.com.

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