A project of founder Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., who is also running for president in 2024 as an independent, the "Vax-Unvax" bus tour, as they are calling it, aims to draw more attention to the prominence of vaccine-related injuries and deaths in the United States.
"Our mission is to give the people a voice so we can learn directly from them what happened when they were vaccinated or allowed their children to be vaccinated, and what happened when they didn't," a representative for CHD told The New American.
"This includes all vaccinations – those on the recommended childhood schedule and those not there yet, like COVID shots."
The same CHD representative confirmed in a statement that, based on the stories already picked up via the tour, it is clear that even people who refused vaccination for the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) were still injured or killed "by hospital COVID protocols," which involved the use of ventilators and remdesivir rather than safe and effective remedies like ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine.
"After four months on the road, we have discovered a disturbing trend involving people who didn't take the COVID shot being, in the words of their loved ones, 'killed by hospital COVID protocols,'" the representative stated. "We've heard that same story at nearly every stop we've made."
(Related: Three prominent universities recently confirmed that COVID jabs destroy human health, triggering diseases like autoimmunity, tinnitus, musculoskeletal inflammation and more.)
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The CHD spokesman further delineated that regular vaccines from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) childhood schedule are also causing rampant harm across America.
"We also hear from many parents who vaccinated their children following the CDC schedule with devastating results," the spokesman confirmed.
"In these situations, the second child is often put on a slower, spread-out schedule, but those outcomes can be just as troubling as going full throttle with the shots. Families that go on to have more children who they do not allow to be vaccinated at all or to take vitamin K at birth tell us that the results are amazing and that their unvaccinated children are strong and in excellent health."
One specific vaccine class of concern besides COVID jabs is HPV injections like Gardasil (Merck & Co.), which has harmed and killed so many children that it is shocking to know it is still on the market.
"Many of these young people have suffered tremendous injuries and even death," the spokesman said.
Currently, the CDC schedule consists of an immunization schedule for children containing 41 doses of 10 different vaccines. This does not include flu shots, which are on top of said schedule, and the starting age for these injections begins at birth and runs through 18 months.
Following the CDC schedule is many parents' now-regret as they watched their young ones succumb to permanent injuries or death due to the shots.
"These parents would give anything to have kept their babies at home rather than to have blindly trusted what government health agencies continue to claim are 'safe and effective' when in actuality, for many children, they are neither," CHD said.
Kennedy and his colleagues still want to know why they are the only ones seeking out this information, as opposed to the federal agencies' whose job it is to track and monitor this kind of thing for public safety.
"What is debilitating America's children?" Kennedy asked back in 2018. "We need to know that answer, and we need to stop these exposures to our children today."
Think you know everything there is to know about the dangers and ineffectiveness of vaccines? Learn more at ChemicalViolence.com.
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