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BEWARE: An American citizen living abroad is no longer protected by the U.S. Federal Government
By News Editors // Jan 15, 2024

SOTN Editor’s Note: There’s no greater contradiction than when your government will quite zealously go out of its way to usher in millions of illegal aliens (many of whom are criminals, terrorists, mules and mercenaries) and lavishly take care of them with housing and govt benefits … while at the very same time allowing an American citizen to rot away in a country ruled by a tyrannical Nazi regime like Ukraine who is then deliberately murdered in a hospital due to inadequate medical care.  And the U.S. State Department makes not even a single mention of it out of respect to the family.

(Article republished StateOfTheNation.co)

As one commenter put it:

This is a stain on America’s face that will never be washed away.

Remember Gonzalo Lira.

— Posted by BorgNine

In light of the highly premeditated assassination of Gonzalo Lira, the US government has voided the inviolable contract that exists between the governed and the government.  Not only has that, the social contract been profoundly violated as the public trust has been irreparably damaged with the American people.


Read more at: StateOfTheNation.co

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