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WHISTLEBLOWER: CIA bribed its own agents to change their position regarding COVID-19 origins
By Ava Grace // Jan 03, 2024

A Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) whistleblower has made serious allegations that the agency bought off employees to obstruct efforts in finding the origins of the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19).

According to the whistleblower, the CIA assigned seven officers with significant scientific expertise to the COVID Discovery Team. (Related: Fauci-supported British virologist linked to Wuhan lab leak supports woke scientist who claims China is being bullied over Wuhan.)

Six of the seven members of the team believed the intelligence and science were sufficient to make a low-confidence assessment that COVID-19 originated from a laboratory in Wuhan, China. The seventh member of the team, who happened to be the most senior, was the lone officer to believe that the virus was first transmitted from an animal to human.

The whistleblower said the six members were given a significant monetary incentive to change their position.

The CIA has confirmed that it is looking into accusations that several members of an agency working on the COVID-19 pandemic analysis were paid "significant hush money" to shift their position on the origins of the virus.

"At the CIA, we are committed to the highest standards of analytic rigor, integrity and objectivity. We do not pay analysts to reach specific conclusions," CIA spokesperson Tammy Kupperman Thorp said. "We take these allegations extremely seriously and are looking into them. We will keep our Congressional oversight committees appropriately informed."

CIA sued for allegedly hiding records of bribery within the agency

In a related development, the Heritage Foundation's Oversight Project filed a lawsuit against the CIA, alleging that the agency didn't comply with a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request related to its investigation of the COVID-19 lab leak theory. The Oversight Project uses FOIA requests and other means to make government more transparent to the public and to allow Congress to use its oversight authorities with maximum effectiveness.

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"The Biden Administration has refused to be transparent with Congress and the American people over the origins of (COVID-19)," said Kyle Brosnan, chief counsel for the Oversight Project.

"A CIA whistleblower has made serious allegations that the agency bought off employees of the agency to further obstruct efforts to get to the truth of the virus's origins. This obstruction cannot stand and we're fighting in federal court to get to the bottom of this."

According to the lawsuit, the CIA's COVID Discovery Team received bribes to bury its findings about the origins of COVID-19.

"This is an action under the FOIA, to compel the production of CIA records relating to allegations that members of the CIA's COVID Discovery Team, a group of employees tasked with analyzing the origins of the COVID-19 pandemic, received monetary incentives to change their position on the origins of the virus," the complaint stated.

The entire intelligence community, including the CIA and FBI, claimed in a 10-page report in June 2023 that SARS-CoV-2 was not genetically engineered, but admitted that "genetic engineering" was taking place at the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) that raised "biosafety concerns."

That risky gain-of-function research at the WIV was funded with $2 million U.S. taxpayer money via grants provided by the National Institutes of Health, including Dr. Anthony Fauci's National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, according to a Government Accountability Office report.

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Watch the video below discussing the overwhelming evidence that COVID is a bioweapon that escaped from Wuhan lab.

This video is from the GalacticStorm channel on Brighteon.com.

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