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America Unhinged: Elon Musk bought Twitter for massive data that he can funnel into his AI company, says Jeff Dornik – Brighteon.TV
By Kevin Hughes // Aug 30, 2023

Dr. John Diamond and Jeff Dornik talked about the dangers of completely embracing artificial intelligence (AI) during the Aug. 22 episode of "America Unhinged" on Brighteon.TV.

Dornik, the host of "The Jeff Dornik Show," explained that people don't understand AI fully as they only know it based on science fiction movies. Phase one of AI involves the program gleaning information from a data point in the entire internet. The AI gaining sentience and going rogue don't happen until phase two, Dornik said.

He also noted how Elon Musk's new artificial intelligence company called xAI is currently in phase one. The company's program is already collecting information not only on the X social media platform (formerly Twitter), but also throughout the entire internet. (Related: Elon Musk announces creation of new AI company after spending YEARS criticizing rapid AI development.)

"That's why he spent $44 billion buying Twitter. It wasn't to defend free speech, because he's not defending free speech," said Dornik. "He did it [for] massive data [that he can] funnel into his AI company, so that way he'll have the most relevant and up-to-date AI on the planet."

"Twitter is where everybody goes to post news, ideas, thoughts, everything up to date and things along those lines so that way he's going to be winning when it comes to the AI race."

He continued that quantum computing will be incorporated into AI when it reaches phase two. While still under development, quantum computing will result in the most powerful computer anyone can possibly imagine. AI and quantum computing will turn in into an instantaneous self-learning machine.

Quantum-powered AI will lead to mass demonic possession

However, Dornik warned that quantum computing and AI could potentially open up a portal to communicate with otherworldly beings in the spiritual world – which Christian believers call the demonic world.

"So if you're opening up that kind of communication level, and then you're incorporating that with AI now – it's not just artificial intelligence. I would argue it's demonic intelligence."

He also noted that Musk and others have been talking about implanting brain chips on people. With quantum-powered AI, this could potentially lead to mass demonic possession. Musk already has the technology for brain implants through his Neuralink company.

Despite this, Dornik assured that Christians cannot be demonically possessed as long as they have the Holy Spirit in their life. This essentially means that the antidote to AI is the Gospel, the living Word of God.

Diamond agreed with his guest, saying that the Holy Spirit immunizes believers to the evils of the world. People of a reprobate mind are going to reject the truth and fight against the truth, he added.

According to the theologian, people always want to embrace technology given its benefits. However, trying to infuse technology with a human being that God created is a scary thing. Diamond added that doing so can open some things that humans should never open.

Dornik seconded the "America Unhinged" host's thoughts. He noted that that many people are going to adopt AI – especially when combined with biology in the form of transhumanism.

"A lot of people are going to be compelled in order to incorporate this specifically because they are going to be left behind to a certain degree," he said. "Because essentially if you don't have this AI in your mind – which is connected to the internet to where you can now recall basically anything that is available through the internet immediately – it's going to make you much further behind than somebody who has taken one of these brain chips or implants."

Follow FutureTech.news for more news about AI.

Watch the Aug. 22 episode of "America Unhinged" below. Tune in to "America Unhinged" with Dr. John Diamond every weekday at 9-10 a.m. and every Saturday at 8-9 a.m. on Brighteon.TV.

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