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Zelensky proposes another 90-day extension of MARTIAL LAW in Ukraine
By Laura Harris // Aug 01, 2023

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has proposed another 90-day extension of the country's state of emergency, potentially leading to the cancellation of the Ukrainian parliament's elections.

According to the TV actor-turned-president, his proposal centers on his belief that "elections need to happen in a time of peace [and] when there is no fighting." This, he added, ensures that democratic processes can function properly.

"The [Ukrainian] constitution prohibits any elections during martial law," Zelensky announced back in May. "If we have martial law, we cannot have elections."

If Zelensky's proposal is approved, it would effectively eliminate the possibility of the Verkhovna Rada – Ukraine's unicameral parliament – holding its elections in October. It could also impact the presidential elections scheduled in March 2024, as the campaign season for that election – set to start on Aug. 28 – would overlap with the extended state of emergency. (Related: Permanent dictator: Zelensky declares NO MORE ELECTIONS in Ukraine until war ends.)

Zelensky first declared martial law on Feb. 24, 2022, following the Russian invasion. Since then, Zelensky has consistently extended its duration, with the most recent 90-day extension set to expire on Aug.18. His new proposal would extend that state of emergency through Nov. 15.

Zelensky already laid the groundwork for his dictatorship

It is worth noting that Zelensky has done nothing but consolidate his power through martial law and other things. Ironically, the president – who became famous for starring in the Ukrainian series "Servant of the People" – is doing the direct opposite of how a servant of the people should act.

Back in May 2022, Zelensky signed a law that banned a dozen political parties, accusing them of challenging his official position on the conflict with Russia. The Opposition Platform – For Life, the largest parliamentary opposition bloc, was outlawed last June. Former Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovich's Party of Regions was also banned in February 2023.

According to reports, Zelensky also nationalized all of Ukraine's media and forbade 10 additional opposition groups from holding seats in the parliament.

Furthermore, the Federal Intelligence Service of Switzerland accused Zelensky of attempting to "politically eliminate" Kiev Mayor Vitaly Klitschko ahead of the upcoming presidential election. A classified report leaked to the outlet NZZ cited "credible intelligence" indicating that Zelensky was exhibiting authoritarian traits.

In May, Martinus Joseph Maria "Tiny" Kox, the president of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE), urged Ukraine to begin preparations for elections as soon as possible. He also acknowledged the restrictions imposed by martial law on holding elections.

"Although democracy is far more than only elections, I think we all agree that without the elections, democracy cannot properly function," Kox said.

However, Aleksey Danilov, the head of Ukraine's National Security and Defense Council, insisted that elections cannot take place while martial law remains in force.

Verkhovna Rada Speaker Ruslan Stefanchuk also reiterated the prohibition of holding any further elections during a martial law declaration.

"Ukrainian legislation stipulates it is impossible to hold any elections during martial law, and this makes sense," he said. Stefanchuk stressed that such a measure is crucial to prevent the rupture of the state. His statements have raised concerns about the future of democracy in Ukraine amid the backdrop of increasingly centralized power.

Learn more about the striking similarities between Zelensky and Biden at Corruption.news.

Watch Steve Bannon and Ben Harnwell discussing the U.S. Department of Defense's $3 billion accounting error in Ukraine aid on "Bannon's War Room" below.

This video is from the GalacticStorm channel on Brighteon.com.

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