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Even GOP donors are supporting RFK Jr. – proof that his appeal goes beyond party lines
By Ramon Tomey // Jul 18, 2023

Donors who have formerly given money to Republican candidates are now bankrolling Democratic presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. (RFK Jr.) in his journey to the White House.

Popular Information founder Judd Legum interviewed two individuals who had been donors to GOP candidates. California businessman Mark Dickson, whose line of business involves treating aluminum for the aerospace industry, is one such donor.

Since 2015, he has donated more than $450,000 to federal candidates – with $400,000 to the Trump Victory fundraising committee in support of former President Donald Trump. The money donated by Dickson was distributed to Trump's 2016 presidential campaign, the Republican National Committee, state GOP chapters and others working on behalf of the real estate mogul-turned-president.

Retired car dealership executive Keith Sheldon also has consistently backed Trump. Back in 2016, the native of Argyle, Texas donated $5,400 – then the maximum amount for individual donors – to the Trump campaign and affiliated committees. Four years later, he donated $5,600 – the new individual maximum amount – to Trump's re-election campaign.

Based on records from the Federal Election Commission (FEC), neither Dickson nor Sheldon has ever donated a dime to a Democrat. However, this year seems to be a change as both donated $6,600 – the current legal maximum – to RFK Jr.'s campaign.

"Dickson and Sheldon's sudden interest in a Democratic primary candidate is unexpected. But for [RFK Jr.'s] campaign, it is not uncommon," wrote Legum. Per an analysis of the Democratic presidential hopeful's first FEC filing, most of RFK Jr.'s biggest donors have previously only donated to the GOP.

RFK Jr.'s campaign has collected the maximum amount of $6,600 from 96 individuals through June 30. Of that total, 37 individuals have previously only donated to GOP federal candidates. Meanwhile, only 19 individuals – more than half – have a history of consistently supporting Democratic candidates.

Huge PACs also bankrolling RFK Jr.'s presidential run

Aside from individuals, political action committees (PACs) have also raised funds to help bring RFK Jr. into 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. The Purple Good Government PAC is one such group that recently donated $6,600 to the health freedom activist's campaign. It is incidentally controlled by investor David Sacks, who is publicly backing GOP candidate and incumbent Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis.

A super-PAC supporting RFK Jr. named American Values 2024 has raised $10.25 million in the first half of 2023. While it is not required to disclose its donors until the end of July, its co-chair said about half of the money came from GOP donors. (Related: Super PAC raises more than $10M to support RFK Jr.'s presidential campaign.)

American Values 2024 Co-Chair Tony Lyons confirmed this amount on July 3, adding that the contributions came from a "right down the middle" mix of GOP and Democratic donors. He added that the $10.25 million included two "very large" donations that each exceed $1 million.

"There really are people across the political spectrum who feel he's going to fight corruption in government and corporate takeover of government agencies," Lyons commented.

A second super-PAC called Common Sense PAC is also helping RFK Jr. raise funds for his campaign. However, it has not yet released any information about its fundraising efforts as of writing.

Common Sense PAC was established by Canadian actress Sofia Karstens in April 2023. Two months after its founding, it hosted a fundraiser in San Francisco that saw Sacks and Social Capital CEO Chamath Palihapitiya. The June 2023 event raised nearly $1 million.

Visit VoteDemocrat.news for more stories about Robert F. Kennedy Jr.'s presidential campaign.

Watch this InfoWars clip discussing how RFK Jr. has the support of both Alex Jones and former President Donald Trump.

This video is from the Katy Odin channel on Brighteon.com.

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