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Rolling Stone journalists take pro-child-trafficking stance and SLAM “Sound of Freedom” movie, saying it’s riddled with conspiracy theories
By S.D. Wells // Jul 17, 2023

Any information, including facts, documentaries, science, or history, that does not fit the false-narratives of the Lunatic Left in America is always labeled "far Right" extremism, domestic terrorism, or just plain conspiracy theory. The latest in this atrocity of disinformation is the scathing review of the new hit movie "Sound of Freedom," where Rolling Stone shills and propagandists "come out" of their perverted closet and support child trafficking, which is a real tragedy in America that is increasing by exponential proportions, as of late.

Imagine if a new movie came out about rape in this country, and if the numbers of cases were increasing drastically, and some cheesy magazine journalists pretended like it was fake news. How many women in this country would be up in arms? The sad part is that the movie "Sound of Freedom" is about rape, but it has to do with children, who are being trafficked into and across this nation, by pedophiles, politicians, elitists, mules, coyotes, and the open border policies at the core of the Biden Regime's agenda.

Pedophile-supporting journalists at Rolling Stone think child-trafficking is a conspiracy theory and that only non-Democrats and non-Liberals believe

Miles Klee, among others at Rolling Stone, believes that the anti-child-trafficking film, starring Jim Caviezel, is about a hoax, a conspiracy theory. In other words, the Lunatic Leftists of mainstream media think anyone who tries to put a stop to child kidnapping is a liar, a fake, and a Right Wing conspiracy theorist. The pedophile supporters are saying the film is "designed to appeal to the conscience of a conspiracy-addled boomer."

On the other hand, the Lunatic Left totally supports movies like "Cuties" and anything Disney or Hollywood created that teaches kids about switching genders, being sexual perverts, worshipping the devil, and going "woke," which means hate everyone who's not a gender-fluid pervert.

The writers and reporters at Rolling Stone think child trafficking is a myth (or they're part of it and don't want this coverage that exposes them too). These lunatic Leftists are literally running cover for the child sex trafficking rings that are part of the "underground railroad" Biden has created at the southern US border and beyond. Child immigrants from Ukraine, China, India, and South America are also being transported into the USA and raped, beaten, sold for cash into slavery, and some killed for sport, and Rolling Stone writers think it's all a Right-wing conspiracy theory.

Can these writers be hauled into court and tried for obstructing justice or as accomplices to crimes? Is this a form of journo-terrorism, like promoting the deadly Covid clot shots? Maybe Big Tech needs to scour these journo-terrorist's computers and smart devices for child porn and internet sites (social media hubs) that support child trafficking, like Twitter.

Better yet, maybe these journo-perverts should make their own documentary about how child trafficking does not exist at all, since they are so sure of themselves and are willing to publish these psychopathic "opinions" and editorials about popular films that are trying to help stop these atrocities from happening to children.

It's quite the shame that all these agnostic and atheist liberals support all this gender fluidity madness, trans-cult-worshipping, Satan-loving, child-trafficking that's going on, especially in Democrat-run-metro-cities. To support such a "lifestyle" is criminal by default. It's time to arrest all these freaks and perverts using AI "thought crime" investigation units, like in the movie "Minority Report."

It's the child-trafficker PRE-CRIME program. Begin now:

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