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California legislators BLOCK bill to make child trafficking a “serious felony”
By Ethan Huff // Jul 13, 2023

Human trafficking victims sobbed in the presence of California legislators this week after the state's Assembly Public Safety Committee blocked a measure that would have classified human trafficking of a minor as a serious felony.

The purpose of the measure, known as Senate Bill 14 (SB 14) was to keep repeat child offenders and pedophiles behind bars while prohibiting their early release. Its aim was to protect California children against perverts, in essence.

Said perverts obviously comprise the members of the Assembly Public Safety Committee, though, which blocked it from passing and moving through the rest of the state's legislative process, despite the State Senate having previously cleared it with broad, bipartisan support.

Assembly Member Reginald Jones-Sawyer serves as the chair of the Public Safety Committee while Assembly Member Juan Alanis serves as the committee's vice chair.

(Related: California legislators are pushing to legalize state-sponsored child trafficking while making the Golden State a "sanctuary" for transgender mutilation and castration surgeries for kids.)

After Assembly voted to support child traffickers, audience members screamed, "You're horrible!"

Following the vote to reject making child trafficking a serious felony in California, audience members in attendance, some of whom are trafficking victims themselves, were outraged.

Several of them were heard screaming, "You're horrible!" and "You should be ashamed of yourselves!" Others sobbed and hugged each other in absolute disgust at what the California Assembly chose to do, for reasons that remain unknown.

"I am profoundly disappointed that committee Democrats couldn't bring themselves to support the bill with their stubborn and misguided objection to any penalty increase regardless of how heinous the crime," said state Sen. Shannon Grove (R-Bakersfield), the bill's author.

"You can pass a note to a bank and rob a bank, you can commit arson, and that's considered a serious felony. But to traffic a minor child in the state of California is not. That's wrong."

Because of the bill's defeat, repeat offenders who traffic children under the age of 17 will remain eligible for early release credits. This will allow some of them to leave prison early, potentially going on to traffic even more children.

"For example, someone sentenced to the maximum, 12 years in prison for the crime, may end up serving four years with the right amount of good conduct credits," reported KCRA about the implications of the California Assembly rejecting SB 14.

"The measure, SB 14, would have made the offense subject to California's Three Strikes Law, meaning those who are convicted of the crime again would face harsher penalties on their next offense, potentially up to life in prison."

The Ella Baker Center, a racist, anti-white organization that exists to "organize with Black, Brown, and low-income people to build power and prosperity in our communities," vehemently opposed the measure because, according to its organizers, there are already laws in place in California to keep child traffickers in prison.

Jones-Sawyer, a Democrat from Los Angeles, went a step further by claiming that more prison time will somehow not solve or even make a dent against the problem of child trafficking.

Members of the media attempted to get a hold of Jones-Sawyer for clarification about his position, but were unsuccessful. Eventually, after many, many calls that went unanswered, his office provided the following response:

"The Assemblymember's office is aware of a single call from Senator Grove's staff to his legislative director on Friday, July 7, to advise that the Senator had spoken with the Public Safety Committee's staff about amendments. The conversation was brief, resulting in no changes to either office's positions on the bill."

California is going down the tubes thanks to the far-left politicians that control the state. Learn more at Collapse.news.

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