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MSM, Democrats smear GOP poll watchers as “right-wing extremists”
By Ramon Tomey // Nov 09, 2022

The Democratic Party, with the mainstream media (MSM) serving as its propaganda arm, falsely painted Republican poll watchers as "right-wing extremists."

The smear arose from a Nov. 7 piece by POLITICO that claimed GOP-leaning citizens who plan to become poll monitors are right-wing extremists. The piece was apparently based on a report by nonprofit Advance Democracy Inc. (ADI) that looked at posts of users from QAnon forums and "right-wing social media platforms," including former President Donald Trump's Truth Social.

For its report, ADI compiled posts made between March and late October 2022. Some users whose posts were included in the report laid down their intent to identify voter fraud by installing their own software into election computers. They also planned to falsely claim to be Democrats on their election worker applications.

Many posts included in the ADI report publicly detailed plans to disregard election rules, including bringing hidden cameras in polling places.

"I'm going to try to get a hidden camera with a large memory card to record all day in the Las Vegas area," said one Gettr post from a purported poll worker. "Really looking forward to see what happens.

Another post, this time from a user who claimed to be a poll worker during the August 2022 primaries in Florida's Palm Beach, chronicled their work throughout the day. While the user claimed the "process is relatively smooth," they acknowledged the potential for cheating that could occur when precinct ballots are dropped off at the end of the day.

"Individuals seeking to become election workers to prove unsubstantiated theories of election fraud, or to disqualify certain votes to change election outcomes, present a threat to the security of American elections," the ADI report stated.

Dems just want to cast Republicans in a bad light

Upon closer scrutiny, however, it appears that the Democrats just want to cast Republicans in a bad light. In one notable instance in Colorado, it was actually a registered Democrat who was found guilty of tampering with a voting machine.

Days before the midterms, officers from the Pueblo Police Department (Pueblo PD) arrested 31-year-old Richard Patton for tampering with a voting machine during the June primaries.

According to Pueblo County Clerk and Recorder Gilbert Ortiz, Patton presented his driver's license as identification when he voted on June 28. Election workers testified that the suspect asked them for a ballot, but reportedly inquired if there were any security officers at the polling place. Patton then cast his vote and left the premises.

"It was actually a slow time, [a] slow part of the election," Ortiz said. "So there was nothing different about that day than any other day."

But the county clerk later said an election judge noticed something off with the polling machine where Patton cast his vote. Per public health protocols, voting machines were cleaned and disinfected after someone casts their vote.

"They went to go clean it right after this gentleman [Patton] was there. They noticed on the screen that it was shut down because it had been tampered with. We picked it up, looked underneath it, saw that the seals had been broken on the USB port underneath it and immediately covered it with a box." (Related: Colorado Democrat nabbed for tampering with voting machine during primaries.)

Ortiz said the office of Colorado Secretary of State Jena Griswold was informed of the breach. Election supervisor Drake Rambke, who Griswold sent to Pueblo County, notified the Pueblo PD of the breach. Law enforcement then reviewed video footage of Patton entering the polling place – leading to the suspect's Nov. 3 arrest.

The county clerk remarked that Patton has been a registered Democratic Party voter since 2019.

Watch InfoWars host Owen Shroyer talk about left-wing extremist Antifa physically removing GOP poll watchers from Michigan polling places below.

This video is from the War Room channel on Brighteon.com.

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